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Interview with Talented Realism Tattooer Duncan Whitfield

Interview with Talented Realism Tattooer Duncan Whitfield

Duncan Whitfield is a talented realism tattooer working out of Southampton, U.K.


He mainly specializes in creating built-to-last portrait work, and is incredibly methodical about the entire process.

In this interview, I got the opportunity to talk with him about things such as the relationship between photography and tattooing, what makes a good reference photo and what does not, tattooing and mental health, and more.


Hope you guys enjoy the read, thanks for looking.

Interview with Talented Realism Tattooer Duncan Whitfield 

 So I know that you are into wildlife photography, and like to incorporate it into your references. Can you talk a little bit about what goes on behind the scenes with all of that?  What is the relationship you see between photography and tattooing? 

I am a keen wildlife photographer, particularly birds.   I’ve always had an interest in them ever since I was a kid. I believe that knowing how birds behave and interact with each other helps when it comes to composition. To make it believable.  I like to use my photographs wherever I can as I get a real sense of achievement from taking a photograph right through to a completed tattoo.  It means there’s a much more personal touch to the tattoo for the client as well. 

Birds have to be one of the hardest things to photograph though.  There are so many factors that have to be considered.  There’s the knowledge of your camera equipment, geography, weather, species, time of day, timing and luck.  Everything has to align just right to get the perfect shot off.  Then the subject has to play ball. It has to be close enough, the right position and of course the lighting has to be right.  Of all the photos I’ve taken, not as many as I would like have ended up as tattoos.  It’s an ongoing journey.  One that is really rewarding.

On that same subject, what makes a good reference photo for a tattoo, and vice versa – what characteristics of a photo tell you that it would NOT make a good tattoo?

Ultimately it will come down to contrast and emotion.  With a portrait that will be a facial expression and with wildlife that’s likely to be movement.  And in both instances, the eye level/contact with the lens can clinch one image over another. 

In a portrait you don’t want an image that when converted to black-and-white has no contrast and appears flat. There are things I can do to adjust the levels and values to suit but I would only go so far before it will start to look odd and not translate well to a tattoo.  I always push provisional clients to provide me with the best reference before I book them in for an appointment.  I believe that not all portraits should be tattooed. I’m always very upfront with regards to this.  Just because an image makes a good photograph, does not mean it will make a good tattoo.  It is always worth pushing back for better reference when it comes to personal portraits.  Ultimately you want the very best result.  I don’t expect prospective clients to understand this criteria before they engage with me, it is my job to guide them towards the best possible outcome.  This should be the case for any tattooist taking on portraits in my opinion.


I also know that you used to be a professional graphic designer.  In what ways has that given you a leg up on your tattooing career?  What’s one really important thing to keep in mind when working on something digitally to be incorporated into a tattoo?

I was a graphic designer for 13 years.  That time spent behind a computer designing promotional material in the corporate world has given me an invaluable knowledge of digital image manipulation platforms.  Predominantly Photoshop and illustrator.  Both of which have proved to be my day to day staple when it comes to tattoo composition.  Composition itself is such a huge part of graphic design that it was only natural that the experience in this field would translate well and benefit tattoo design. 

At the time I was learning to tattoo, I was also working as a designer for an app development company.  It was clear to me then that at some point apps were going to take off in this field.  A few years after I left graphic design, my old CEO visited me for a tattoo while visiting from the states.  He had with him the iPad pro and an apple pencil.  He showed me with great enthusiasm this new app called Procreate.  I immediately saw how this could change the game with stencil creation.  I literally ordered one that night… I haven’t made a hand stencil since.

One thing it is really important to remember when creating digital stencils is to pay attention to the dpi.  If you’re making a line drawing over a 72dpi image that is say only 100mm square and you need to print it to fit A4 size, you’re going to end up with blurred lines when printed to make a stencil as you’ll have to enlarge the image over 200% to make it big enough.  Make sure the image you are using is physically big enough to pull it off.  Oh and of course pay attention to which layer you’re drawing on! We’ve all been caught out by that!

Aside from the physical toll it must take on your body day after day, what have you found to be the most challenging part of being a tattoo artist? 

That’s a good question.  My back has certainly been a lot tighter the last few years.  There’s not really a way around it as far as position goes because every day you have someone in a different position to deal with.  All I can do is keep going to the gym and actually do some core exercises rather than avoiding them!  And yoga is not to be sniffed at!

I would say time.  There’s never enough time.  It can be all consuming. Design. Clean. Set up. Tattoo. Clear up. Clean. Admin.  When you’re all in, you’re committed. I have a better balance now but for a long time I was just blinkered.  Personal relationships definitely suffered.  Both at home and at work.  I have to take a large part of the blame for that for sure.  But it’s an easy situation to find yourself in, you know?  When things are going well.  Ferris Bueller was right though, You do need to stop and take a look around once in while.

If the Covid-19 situation has taught us anything, for me, it would be that it’s dangerous to be all consumed by one thing.  Because if you take that away, you’re left with nothing.  Thankfully I have a million hobbies and interests to keep me occupied…oh and a wife… and a daughter to squabble with… and of course anyone following me on instagram will have seen my dog; José feature in my stories I’m sure!


How about the most rewarding part?

I think it’s with the personal portraits of recently lost loved ones and pets.  There’s definitely been some emotional moments with clients with the big reveal.  It has to be that or what I touched on in the first question. Taking a photo out in nature and bringing it right through to a finished tattoo.



If you could now go back to when you first started tattooing and tell yourself three important things you wish you knew back then, what might those be?

Not to teach yourself to tattoo for one.  Like I did.  It’s a much longer laborious process than an apprenticeship. It was a means to an end for me but I would always recommend an apprenticeship now.  You’ll grow faster and with authenticity.

Give yourself a break, don’t say yes to everything just to please other people.  It’s so easy to burn out and it creeps up on you.  You can’t please everyone.  Trying to is the quickest route to failure.  Don’t worry about booking yourself too far ahead.  I know this can be a bit of an obsession for security in the early days but it can quickly get out of hand and before you know it you’re working 6 day weeks with no breaks.


What about three things you wish each of your clients/collectors knew, in order to save you both the headaches?

Approach enquiring about a tattoo as you would any other professional service.  DM-ing me with ‘Hey Bro, I wanna get tatted ASAP.  I’m desperate bro. Get me in bro.” will just get your message deleted.  There seems to be a direct correlation between not following instructions and then radio silence if you do reply to that request. Many artists are very busy and it’s disheartening to answer requests to ghosting so you quickly develop a sixth sense to time wasters.  It’s not meant to cause offense to prospective clients, it’s more about protecting your own mental resolve.  There’s only so many minutes in a day and we have to make them as productive as possible.  I take all my enquiries via email so there is a paper trail of the conversation.  It definitely avoids confusion.  My advice is keep communication to one platform.

Pay attention to the style in which the artist you’re enquiring with, works.  Is what you’re asking for going to suit their style?  If someone emails me with a request that’s not suited to me I’ll always try and match them up with another artist better suited.

Always state the position of the tattoo, ideally a photo of the area and as much reference/information as possible.  Steer clear of sending an essay with very specific instructions of how it MUST all fit together. A good clear idea will suffice.



How has tattooing impacted your mental health? If you feel inclined, maybe list a few pros and a few cons. 

I would say at times tattooing has had a profound affect on my mental health.  With regards to emotional pressures and the conflict between business and relationships.  I didn’t see either coming at the time.  I do a lot of memorial portraits and one particular week I took on 3 very recent bereavements and 2 memorial pet portraits all in the space of 5 days.  That actually hit me harder than I expected.  I was already suffering from mild depression at the time and that was definitely a trigger.  I now try to never book too many together and have breaks in between.  That would be something I would advise to anyone.

Its very easy to get burned out when you’re working 6 days a week.  There’s more demand on your time than you bargain for when you have a bit of a waiting list.  You want to keep everyone happy, your clients and personal relationships alike.  It’s a balancing act I definitely got it wrong at times.  I’ve brought my waiting list down now just so I can see the wood for the trees.  I always keep a week free every month.  It allows me to have space to move people if I need to, take time off or at the very least I know there’s a fire break not too far away.  It also allows you to take on projects you’d like to do that you might miss out on if you’re booked solid for a year.  I always advise artists new into the industry to be careful not to over book.  It’s all about security in the early days when you’re building a profile for yourself.  But that becomes a bit of a trap quite quickly.

I’ve now managed to separate tattooing from home life more successfully. I try and keep the 2 as separate as possible. For me, that’s important.



Tattooing has blown up since the age of social media. In what ways do you expect to see the industry to change over the course of the next few years? What do you hope to see?

Im really not sure. I could see more private studios cropping up.  Social media has allowed people to gain a client base with less reliance for the need of exposure gained working in a highstreet outfit that would have been needed before ‘the Gram’ hit the scene.  A smaller more intimate space will have much lower overheads.  On the flip side, the social dynamic in a bigger studio is more conducive to creativity I find.  I like to bounce ideas off of other artists when I can.  You grow slower on your own.  You have to work harder for inspiration.

As far as what I’d like to see?  I’d like to see easier travel options for artists.  I don’t know how it would work logistically, with regards to visas etc but a more official, easier way of working abroad would be awesome.  To see the industry recognised for the progressive art form that it is.  Acceptance has come a long way but there’s always room for improvement.



And lastly…I’m always curious about these two things: how might you prepare for your typical full day session (I can imagine they must be very tiring), and what’s usually going through your mind as you work on each tattoo?

As I mentioned about keeping tattooing separate from home life, I usually do most of my design work in the studio.  I ‘try’ to get into the studio for 08:30 after dropping my daughter at school and my dog at day care and arrange for clients to arrive for 10:30/11.  That gives 2-2hr:30mins to prepare for the day.  I’m big on the client experience.  I want clients to leave having had a great day even if the tattoo hurt like hell!  I think good entertainment is vital for client comfort and makes a huge difference to how well people sit.  I’ve only ever had 4 people pass out on me and I believe that’s all down to the environment you provide the client with.  Nervous first time clients need time to acclimatise in my opinion.  I delay being ready for them so they have time to get into a film and relax with a hot drink and snacks.  As far as what’s going through my mind?  Just about everything! Ha! I’m very methodical once I start tattooing.  The design process is the creative bit for me, the tattooing is the idea execution.  I’m quite relaxed once I start.



Thanks to anyone who took the time to read/look, hope you guys enjoyed the write-up.


Be sure to follow Duncan on Instagram @duncanwhitfield.


Thanks again for your time man! 



 On Sian from Nottingham


Pain Management Techniques for Tattooing

Pain Management Techniques for Tattooing

Pain Management Techniques for Tattooing

Pain management techniques for tattooing can help reduce discomfort and make the experience more bearable for clients. Here are some common methods:

Lion Tattoo Ideas & Designs | Lion Tattoo Meaning

Lion Tattoo Ideas & Designs | Lion Tattoo Meaning

Lion Tattoo Ideas & Designs | Lion Tattoo Meaning

Wild lions, how do you start to describe these amazing animals? The mere reference to these magnificent beings evokes visions of strength, bravery, and regality! It is hardly surprising that lion tattoos have gained significant popularity among individuals in search of striking and symbolically meaningful body artwork.

However, their significance extends far beyond being merely a fierce image. Exploring the historical and cultural aspects connected to the lion uncovers a diverse range of symbolic representations that can be uniquely incorporated into your tattoo design.

Lion Tattoo Meaning

First things first, lets analyze the lion tattoo’s meaning and what it represents. What does a lion tattoo mean? I can start by saying that a lion tattoo meaning makes a strong declaration, theres no doubt about that! Historically, it has been linked to:

  • Power and Bravery: With its status as the ultimate predator, the lion symbolizes the capability to overcome obstacles and confront fear head-on.
  • Leadership: The lion’s position as the head of pride is widely recognized, making it a representation of power and the capacity to motivate others.
  • Royalty: Historically, lions have been linked with monarchy and high social status. Their regal demeanor is commonly portrayed in heraldry and emblems.
  • Family: Familial connections among lions are evidenced by the presence of prides, demonstrating a robust sense of unity and an unwavering commitment to safeguarding their offspring.

By integrating particular elements into the design, the inherent messages can be further enhanced, even including zodiac signs, more specifically the sign of Leo.

Another example is the inclusion of a resounding lion, which can emphasize notions of strength and courage, while the depiction of a lioness nurturing her offspring can symbolize the concepts of maternal instinct and safeguarding.

What Does A Lion With A Crown Symbolize?

But wait, theres more! Integrating a crown into a lion tattoo enhances the symbolism to a greater extent. This represents:

  • Dominion and Sovereignty: By showcasing the lion as the ruler of the wilderness, the crown highlights its role as a symbol of kingship and authority.
  • Triumph and success: The symbol of a crown can signify overcoming obstacles and achieving victory.

Tattoos of lions with crowns are favored by individuals who wish to see themselves as resilient individuals who have accomplished success or aim to attain positions of authority.

The History of the Lion Tattoos

Lion tattoo meaning has a rich history that spans over numerous centuries. Lets take a closer look:

  • In ancient times, lions were portrayed in Egyptian hieroglyphs and Mesopotamian art, representing strength and safeguarding.
  • Lion symbols in European royalty are evident. The nobility utilized lions on their coats of arms as a symbol of their elevated position and ancestral heritage.
  • In the present era, lion tattoos have become immensely popular as a result of their strong symbolism and visually captivating aesthetics.

Looking for other animal tattoo symbolism? Dont hesitate to get a tattoo consultation as soon as possible!

Lion Tattoo Designs

In the world of lion tattoo meaning, there exists an expansive range of creative opportunities for lion tattoo designs. Below, we explore a few favored artistic methods:

  • Realistic Lion Tattoos: These elaborate patterns aspire to depict the naturalistic characteristics of the lion, including its lifelike attributes, texturized fur, and commanding gaze. They are particularly suitable for individuals seeking meticulous and captivating artwork.
  • One Line Lion Tattoos: This simplistic lion tattoo design technique employs a solitary, unbroken line to craft a refined and sophisticated outline of the lion.
  • Graphic Lion Tattoos: Lion tattoos with bold outlines, precise corners, and intricate geometric tattoo patterns characterize this particular style. It presents a modern and visually impactful representation of the lion.
  • American Traditional Lion Tattoos: Tribal-inspired lion tattoos and American traditional tattoos make use of the profound symbolism found in tribal art, frequently incorporating geometric forms and elaborate designs to portray the majestic lion, typically characterized by prominent outlines, vivid hues, and a hint of conventional symbolism such as roses or daggers.
  • Black & Grey Lion Tattoos: This design provides a timeless aesthetic that showcases a realistic appearance through meticulous shading techniques, emphasizing the interplay of light and darkness.
  • Watercolor Lion Tattoos: Lion tattoos done in watercolor style employ gentle hues and blending methods to fashion a whimsical and otherworldly representation of the majestic creature.

Lion Tattoo Ideas

Selecting the appropriate design for your lion tattoo holds great significance. Below is a comprehensive analysis of popular lion tattoo ideas to ignite your imagination:

Tribal lion tattoos draw inspiration from diverse tribal art traditions, often incorporating distinct characteristics such as striking outlines, geometric motifs, and elaborate designs. These tattoos possess deep cultural significance and can symbolize one’s heritage or affiliation with specific tribal affiliations.

Subtle yet impactful, small lion tattoos cater to individuals who appreciate a delicate touch. These tattoos can showcase intricate features such as the lion’s head, a majestic mane, or a minimalist silhouette. Optimal tattoo placement options, such as the wrist, ankle, or behind the ear, offer the opportunity for discreet exhibition.

Chinese lion tattoos, also referred to as foo dogs, carry considerable cultural importance in China where they serve as protectors and emblems of auspiciousness. Frequently depicted in twos, these lions exhibit an artfully stylized and emblematic portrayal of the majestic creature.

Referred to as Shishi, Japanese lion tattoos represent safeguarding and regal authority. They are commonly depicted with a striking and artistic flair, often incorporating vivid hues and elaborate embellishments.

Modern geometric shapes and lines are employed in the creation of a striking interpretation of the lion known as the Geometric Lion Tattoo. This contemporary style offers a distinctive means of capturing the lion’s essence through a creative perspective.

The Lion Eyes Tattoo, a potent and symbolic option, centers on capturing the intense stare of the lion. This design can symbolize watchfulness, concentration, and resilience.

Lioness tattoos are becoming increasingly popular due to their unique symbolism, as previously mentioned. The designs can vary from lifelike representations to more imaginative renditions, accentuating the lioness’s attributes of power, self-reliance, and nurturing instincts.

But wait, remember that it is always possible to merge elements from various styles and lion tattoo ideas or work together with your tattoo artists in order to craft a genuinely distinctive and personalized design.

Lion Tattoo Placement

The placement of your tattoo can greatly influence its visual impact and the meaning of lion tattoos. Common options for lion tattoos consist of:

  • Arm: The arm is a traditional location that provides excellent visibility and allows for various tattoo sizes, including the lion tattoo forearm.
  • Chest: The chest tattoo lion is an impactful location that enhances the daring nature of the pattern.
  • Back: Offers generous room for larger and more detailed artworks.
  • Shoulder: A versatile spot that is well-suited for both compact and moderately-sized tattoos.
  • Leg: An additional well-liked choice, providing the opportunity for inconspicuous positioning or an impressive showcase on the lower leg.

In the end, the most suitable positioning relies on individual preference, pain threshold, preferred dimensions of the tattoo, and what a lion tattoo means to you!

Looking for a tattoo shop in West Covina? Were here to help!

To conclude…

The meaning of lion tattoos carries more significance than a mere eye-catching depiction; it serves as a potent declaration that mirrors your principles and ambitions.

By exploring the deep-rooted past, symbolism, and diverse design adaptations, you have the opportunity to craft a customized work of art that narrates your individual narrative.

Therefore, if you discover yourself connecting deeply with the potency and grandeur of lion and lioness tattoos, contemplate the possibility of permanently marking your skin with this enduring representation of fortitude, guidance, and bravery.



 On Rob from Mottingham


Maverick Family Spotlight Artist – Maverick Tattoo Mercantile

Maverick Family Spotlight Artist – Maverick Tattoo Mercantile

Hey there beautiful humans! Get ready to meet our MAY spotlight artist! Meet Steve- a dedicated husband and proud father of 2 coming from sunny Central Florida! With an IMPRESSIVE 19 years of tattooing under his belt, Steve has become pretty popular in the Orlando tattoo scene!

Back in 2015, he teamed up with his buddy EARL FUNK ( you might know the name considering he is also a Maverick Family Artist 😉) & they opened up The East! Steve’s tattoo style is super unique- LIKE SERIOUSLY! Just peep👀 the photos below if you don’t believe me. ⬇️

Steve Roberts STATS:

  • IG: @stevetattoos
  • Style:✨UNIQUE✨ (somewhere between New School & Neo Traditional)
  • Shop: The East in Downtown Orlando
  • Build: Look at those arms 💪🏼
  • Eyes: Mezmerizing
  • Hair: Looks great in a hat! 
Maverick Family Spotlight Artist – Maverick Tattoo Mercantile

What do you love about Maverick?

The nice people and the handwritten notes.  The little mints are nice too.

What are your favorite groupings /or Maverick supplies you use while tattooing?

I like the liners. Uncomplicated groupings and sharp sturdy needles. 

The penguin is the Maverick Founders spirit animal. What is your spirit animal & why? 

Larry David is my spirit animal.

Can you describe your first tattoo experience? How old were you? What was it? Who was the artist? 

My first tattoo was a band logo when I was 18. It was done by Chris Babin in DeLand Florida. I nervously asked about an apprenticeship before I left. I did not find my mentor that day though. 

Top 3 artists you admire? Can you give a brief description?

Walt Disney

Alphonse Mucha

Stanley Kubrick

What are some funny tattoo moments you have?

I tattooed a clown once.

If you were to choose a band to best describe your artwork, which band would you choose and why?


If you were to win ‘best tattooer in the world’? Who would you thank and why? 

The uninformed

Secret hidden talent? What is it? 

I make really good pancakes.

What is your kryptonite?

Tiny Tattoos


Any person or animal that you would like to trade places with for a day? 

Maybe a giraffe in the zoo. They seem alright with the arrangement and don’t have much to worry about. 

What book or movie would you say everyone should read or watch? Why would you recommend that specific one? 

Roadhouse. The book, not the movie. 

Which state are you located in? What do you like most about where you live & why? 

Florida. We have gators, which are basically dinosaurs, and it doesn’t get much cooler than dinosaurs. I also like that all my stuff is here. 

What is something weird you do before bedtime? 

I like to listen to Shakira when I brush my teeth. 

What can you say is the best way to deal with stress that the busy tattoo life can bring on? 

Something physically demanding, bonus if it’s mentally challenging too. I like Jiu Jitsu. 

Do you have a moment that changed your life? Do you mind sharing?

The time I was struck by lightning. 

Who is the most unique client you have ever met? 

Ronald McDonald.

Does the constant pressure and challenge of promoting yourself on social media exhaust you or is it second nature? 

I don’t like it. 

most recent tattoo ( waiting on shading ) next to my first leg tattoo.

most recent tattoo ( waiting on shading ) next to my first leg tattoo.

most recent tattoo ( waiting on shading ) next to my first leg tattoo.

most recent tattoo ( waiting on shading ) next to my first leg tattoo.

13 out 15 tattoos done by Katie Nowicki at Stingray in Boston.

Top 10 Tattoo Artists in Delhi: A Comprehensive Guide

Top 10 Tattoo Artists in Delhi: A Comprehensive Guide

Top 10 Tattoo Artists in Delhi: A Comprehensive Guide

Tattoos have gone beyond from a temporary trend to a deeply personal form of self-expression. Each tattoo tells a unique story, whether it’s a representation of one’s identity, a tribute to someone special, or a visual manifestation of beliefs.

Delhi, being a cultural and artistic hub, has seen a surge in the popularity of tattoos, with numerous tattoo artists emerging as top professionals in the field. Whether you’re a tattoo enthusiast or considering your first piece of ink, choosing the right artist is crucial for achieving the perfect tattoo experience.

In this guide, we introduce the top 10 tattoo artists in Delhi. These artists are celebrated not only for their creativity and skills but also for their professionalism, making them some of the most sought-after names in the city’s tattoo industry. From minimalistic designs to hyper-realistic portraits, these artists cater to a wide variety of preferences, ensuring you’ll find an artist who aligns with your vision.

Top 10 Tattoo Artists in Delhi


Delhi has rapidly grown into a hotspot for tattoo lovers, offering a blend of traditional and contemporary tattoo styles. The city’s tattoo culture is booming, with more people opting for custom, meaningful designs. Tattoo artists in Delhi are blending inspiration from global trends with their own unique creativity, making the city a vibrant location for anyone looking for a beautiful piece of ink. From minimalistic, geometric tattoo designs to elaborate realism, Delhi’s artists offer something for everyone.

Growing Popularity and Trends

The tattoo industry in Delhi has seen remarkable growth over the years, with several trends emerging as popular choices:

  • Minimalistic Tattoos

    Small, clean designs featuring subtle lines and deep personal meaning.

  • Realism

    Hyper-realistic tattoos that depict lifelike portraits, objects, or animals with exceptional detail.

  • Mandala & Sacred Geometry

    Complex geometric patterns, often tied to spiritual beliefs, that are both aesthetically pleasing and symbolic.

  • Watercolour Tattoos

    Designs resembling watercolour paintings, featuring vibrant, fluid colour gradients and abstract elements.

  • Blackwork & Dotwork

    Bold tattoos using black ink and dot patterns to create depth and detailed texture.

Criteria for Selecting the Right Tattoo Artist

Choosing the right tattoo artist is essential for both a high-quality tattoo and a positive experience. Keep the following factors in mind when selecting an artist:

  • Portfolio

    A strong portfolio showcases the artist’s range, creativity, and technical skill. Always review their portfolio to ensure their style matches your vision.

  • Artist Expertise

    Different artists specialize in different tattoo styles. Whether you’re looking for realism, minimalism, or something traditional, choose an artist with expertise in that area.

  • Experience

    Experienced artists bring a wealth of knowledge, ensuring your tattoo looks great and lasts over time.

  • Client Reviews

    Reviews from previous clients offer valuable insights into the artist’s professionalism, cleanliness, and overall quality of work.

Top 10 Tattoo Artists in Delhi

Here’s a detailed list of the top 10 tattoo artists in Delhi, each known for their unique style, creativity, and professionalism.

1. Ronit Sood

Ronit Patel’s artistic journey is defined by his passion for sketch-style tattoos and freehand creativity. Specializing in raw, hand-drawn aesthetics, Ronit brings a unique edge to every piece he creates. His training at Aliens Tattoo School honed his natural ability to design fluid, freehand tattoos that feel organic and spontaneous. With a focus on capturing the essence of every subject, his sketch-style work is both expressive and highly detailed, making each tattoo a one-of-a-kind masterpiece.

2. Yogesh Mahale

Yogesh Mahale’s passion for tattooing began with a love for fine art, which he later transformed into a flourishing career at Aliens Tattoo. Specializing in realism, hyper-realism, color tattoos, and freehand designs, his work captures intricate details with remarkable precision. Yogesh’s ability to create vivid, lifelike tattoos has earned him recognition across the tattoo industry. Whether it’s a vibrant color piece or a hyper-realistic portrait, his freehand techniques bring an unparalleled level of creativity and individuality to every tattoo he creates.

3. Harnam Bhagat

Harnam Bhagat journey into tattooing began with a deep fascination for bringing lifelike images to skin. Specializing in realism tattoos, she trained at Aliens Tattoo School, where her attention to detail and dedication to her craft quickly made her stand out. Known for her ability to capture the essence of portraits and nature with stunning accuracy, Harnam has earned a reputation for creating tattoos that feel like they could step off the skin. Her commitment to perfection drives her to continually evolve as an artist.

4. Shivani Adhikari

Shivani Adhikari is known for her impeccable work in line art, blackwork, mandala, miniature tattoos. Her ability to capture intricate details in lifelike portraits has made her a favorite among clients who seek emotional and detailed artwork. With years of experience, Shivani continues to impress with her skillful execution of both large and small-scale tattoos.

5. Khushboo

Khushboo is known for her delicate, minimalistic designs. Her ability to create subtle, yet deeply personal tattoos has earned her a loyal following. Clients love her elegant designs, which are perfect for those seeking a softer and more feminine tattoo style.

6. Saunak Roy

Saunak is renowned for his detailed Colour, Black and Grey Realism, and Fine line tattoos. His realism tattoos are lifelike, capturing emotions and expressions with stunning accuracy. Shaunak’s dedication to the craft and his eye for detail have made Devilz Tattoo Studio a top destination for clients looking for high-quality tattooing work in Delhi.

  • Studio: Devilz Tattoo Studio

  • Tattoo Styles: Colour, Black and Grey Realism, and Fine line tattoos

  • Check Shaunak‘s Portfolio here

  • Contact: +91 9234509876

7. Aditi Naithani

Aditi Naithani specializes in colour tattoos and black and grey realism. Her tattoo designs often carry deep personal and beautiful meanings. Known for her precision and attention to detail, Aditi has earned a reputation for creating tattoos that are both visually striking and meaningful. Her work has helped make Hawk Tattoo Studio in Delhi a go-to destination for clients seeking high-quality, meaningful tattoos that tell a story.

8. Suhasini Gour

Suhasini Gour specializes in Fine line tattoos, bringing vibrant and fluid designs to life. Her tattoos, in particular, are a favorite among clients who want a blend of art and creativity. Suhasini’s ability to bring stories to life through her art creates tattoos that are both bold and beautiful.

9. Tenzin

Tenzin is highly skilled in realism and portrait tattoo designs. His bold tattoos are often infused with cultural symbolism, making them both visually striking and meaningful. Tenzin’s tattoo studio is known for its professional environment and for producing high-quality, beautiful tattoos.

10. Abhishek Ahuja

Abhishek Ahuja is a master of realism and is known for his stunning portrait tattoos and custom work. His ability to capture lifelike details makes his tattoos stand out, especially for clients who want to commemorate a loved one through ink. NA Tattoo Studio has become a go-to spot for realism and portrait work in Delhi.

Importance of Choosing the Right Tattoo Artist

Choosing the right tattoo artist is important for ensuring that your tattoo turns out exactly as you envisioned. A skilled artist will not only bring your design to life but also make the entire process from consultation to aftercare very smooth and professional. A great tattoo artist listens to your ideas, offers suggestions based on experience, and works with you to create a meaningful and lasting tattoo.

Procedure for Reservation & Consultation

Booking a tattoo appointment in Delhi usually involves the following steps:

  1. Contact the Artist
    Reach out via Instagram or phone to discuss your design and ideas.

  2. Consultation
    Many artists offer an initial consultation to finalize the design, placement, and pricing. This may be in-person or online.

  3. Booking
    A deposit is usually required to secure your appointment.

  4. Tattoo Day
    Follow the artist’s pre-tattoo care instructions and arrive on the day of your appointment ready for your session.

Always remember, scheduling a tattoo appointment and attending a consultation are crucial steps for a seamless and successful tattoo experience.


Delhi’s tattoo scene is vibrant and diverse, with artists excelling in a wide range of styles, from realism and minimalism to traditional and geometric designs. The top 10 tattoo artists in Delhi listed here are known for their creativity, professionalism, and skill. Whether you’re a first-timer or a seasoned tattoo enthusiast, these artists will provide you with an exceptional tattoo experience.


How much does a tattoo cost in Delhi?

How do I choose the right tattoo style?

Is getting a tattoo painful?

How should I care for my tattoo?

Can I get a tattoo if I have sensitive skin?

Ink Nurse Teams Up with Chemist Warehouse Australia

Ink Nurse Teams Up with Chemist Warehouse Australia

Ink Nurse Partners with Australia’s Premier Pharmacy Chain: Chemist Warehouse

Australia’s booming tattoo scene has just gotten even more accessible for enthusiasts and novices alike. We’re thrilled to announce our newest collaboration with Chemist Warehouse, Australia’s leading pharmacy chain. This partnership symbolises not just an expansion for Ink Nurse but also the recognition of the rising demand for premium tattoo aftercare products. 

Why Chemist Warehouse? 

For those unfamiliar, Chemist Warehouse stands as a titan in the realm of retail pharmacy. Their commitment to quality, combined with their impressive range, aligns seamlessly with our ethos at Ink Nurse. It’s no wonder they’re hailed as Australia’s number one pharmacy retailer, boasting a plethora of locations nationwide and an extensive online presence. With their unparalleled reputation for offering customers top-quality products at heavily discounted prices, this partnership seemed like a natural fit. Ink Nurse is Australia’s leading tattoo aftercare product and the only brand available at Chemist Warehouse, so it’s very fitting that the partnership is with the best (both ways).

Check out our dedicated Ink Nurse section on their website:

Benefits for Our Beloved Customers

While we’ve always taken pride in ensuring our products are both top-notch and accessible, this new venture takes it to another level. By partnering with Chemist Warehouse:

1. Accessibility: With their vast network of stores and an efficient online shopping system, getting your hands on Ink Nurse products has never been easier. Store rollouts will begin in 2024.

2. Affordability: We understand that quality often comes with a price. However, by offering our products at a discounted rate through Chemist Warehouse, we ensure that more tattoo enthusiasts can access the best aftercare without breaking the bank. For eg, the 500ml pump is a whopping $50 CHEAPER at Chemist Warehouse Online.

3. Trust: Purchasing through a respected and established retailer like Chemist Warehouse solidifies the trust in our brand and product range.

What’s Next?

This partnership is just the beginning. As we continue to grow and evolve, our commitment to ensuring that every tattooed individual has access to the best care remains unwavering. With Chemist Warehouse by our side, we’re excited about the road ahead and what it holds for Ink Nurse and our community.

For our dedicated and new customers alike, we invite you to explore this exciting new venture and take advantage of the exclusive offers available at Chemist Warehouse. Remember, every tattoo tells a story, and with Ink Nurse, you’re ensuring it’s preserved in the best way possible.

Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey with us. Stay inked and stay cared for!


Ink Nurse Teams Up with Chemist Warehouse Australia

Top 10 Tattoo Artists in Chennai: A Comprehensive Guide

Top 10 Tattoo Artists in Chennai: A Comprehensive Guide

Top 10 Tattoo Artists in Chennai: A Comprehensive Guide

Tattooing has evolved from being a fleeting trend into a permanent form of self-expression, art, and storytelling. In a culturally rich city like Chennai, tattoos have become a way to represent beliefs, tributes, and personal stories. As tattoos grow in popularity, so too does the demand for skilled tattoo artists who can capture these stories on the skin. Whether you’re a seasoned tattoo enthusiast or considering your first tattoo, choosing the right artist can make all the difference in the experience and outcome.

This guide introduces the top 10 tattoo artists in Chennai who are celebrated not only for their talent and creativity but also for their professionalism and passion for the craft. These artists work across a variety of styles, from minimalism to realism, ensuring there is a perfect fit for every client.

Top 10 Tattoo Artists in Chennai


Chennai’s tattoo scene is thriving, offering a diverse mix of traditional and modern tattooing styles. This cultural hub blends the old with the new, making it a hotspot for both clients and tattoo artists. Tattoo artists in Chennai are not only influenced by global trends but also add a personal, often cultural, touch to their designs. From neo-traditional tattoos to hyper-realistic portraits, the city’s tattoo industry offers something for every kind of tattoo enthusiast.

Over the past few years, Chennai’s tattoo industry has experienced rapid growth. Tattoo studios have become more accessible, and the quality of artistry has dramatically improved, with many artists now undergoing formal training and attending tattoo conventions around the world to stay up to date with global trends.

Growing Popularity and Trends

The tattoo industry in Chennai is growing rapidly, with several key trends shaping the landscape:

  • Minimalistic Tattoos
    Simple, clean, and deeply meaningful, minimalistic tattoos are gaining a strong foothold. These designs often consist of fine lines and small details, capturing elegance in simplicity.

  • Realism Tattoos

    Realism tattoos continue to dominate the scene. From hyper-realistic portraits to lifelike depictions of animals, this style requires extreme attention to detail and artistic precision.

  • Neo-Traditional Tattoos

    A combination of traditional tattoo techniques with modern design elements, neo-traditional tattoos are a popular choice for clients who want a mix of old-school and contemporary styles.

  • Black and Grey Tattoos
    Black and grey tattoos offer a timeless, classic aesthetic. Artists use different shades of black to create depth, contrast, and stunning imagery.

  • Dotwork and Geometric DesignsIntricate patterns made from small dots and geometric shapes are becoming increasingly popular, offering a modern yet spiritual form of body art.

Criteria for Selecting the Right Tattoo Artist

Choosing the right tattoo artist is crucial for ensuring you get a high-quality tattoo that you’ll cherish for years to come. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Portfolio
    An artist’s portfolio is your window into their skills and artistic range. Review their previous work to ensure their style matches what you’re looking for. Whether it’s realism, dotwork, or black and grey, a good portfolio will give you insight into the artist’s creativity and technique.

  • Artist Expertise
    Different artists specialize in different styles. Whether you’re seeking minimalism, realism, or bold colorwork, choosing an artist who specializes in your desired style will ensure that your tattoo is a masterpiece.

  • Experience
    Experience counts. An artist with years of experience has likely refined their technique and can work confidently with different skin types and designs. While emerging artists may have raw talent, experienced professionals often guarantee better results.

  • Client Reviews
    Client reviews provide valuable insight into an artist’s professionalism, communication, and hygiene practices. Positive feedback from past clients can help you decide whether the artist is the right fit for your tattoo journey.

Top 10 Tattoo Artists in Chennai

1. Susmit Dhavan

Susmit Dhavan’s journey into tattooing was inspired by his passion for art and drawing from a young age. Despite initial uncertainty from his family, Susmit pursued his dream of becoming a tattoo artist. He refined his skills at Aliens Tattoo School, specializing in detailed black and grey. Realism, and neo-traditional tattoos.

Susmit’s work is known for blending realism with creativity, telling meaningful stories through every design. He left his job as a data analyst to follow his dream and now creates tattoos that combine traditional influences with modern artistry.

  • Studio: Aliens Tattoo

  • Tattoo Styles: Realism, Black and Grey, Neo-traditional

  • Contact: +918048811205

  • Portfolio: Susmit Dhavan

2. Gopal Manvar

Gopal is known for his clean-line art and minimalistic designs. His blackwork tattoos are bold, with deep contrasts and intricate patterns. Gopal has mastered the art of combining simple elements with meaningful designs, making his work stand out for its elegance and precision.

  • Studio: Aliens Tattoo

  • Tattoo Styles: Lineart, minimalistic, and blackwork

  • Contact: +918048811205

  • Portfolio: Gopal Manvar

3. Aman Jaiswal

Aman Jaiswal’s passion for tattoos began early on, leading him to pursue formal training at Aliens Tattoo School. Aman specializes in black and gray, realism and animal texture tattoos, creating incredibly detailed and lifelike designs.

He is also a YouTuber, sharing his tattooing knowledge and inspiring the next generation of tattoo artists. Aman is committed to continuously improving his craft and leaving a lasting mark on the tattoo industry.

4. Grishita Suthar

Grishita Suthar’s journey into tattooing started with her studies in BMM, where her creativity was nurtured. She took up an internship and quickly gained recognition for her hygienic practices and artistic talent. Specializing in neo-traditional and realism tattoos, Grishita’s work reflects her clients’ personalities while pushing the boundaries of artistic expression.

  • Studio: Aliens Tattoo

  • Tattoo Styles:  Neo-Traditional, Realism, Line Art

  • Contact: +918048811205

  • Portfolio: Grishita Suthar

5. Bhargav

Bhargava Eppilli’s journey into tattooing began after college, inspired by his first tattoo in high school. Despite no formal art training, he developed his skills at Aliens Tattoo School, specializing in realism, portrait, and anime styles.

His hard work paid off as he quickly became recognized as one of the top students, especially for his lifelike animal tattoos. Bhargava also won an award for the best sketch-style tattoo at the convention. Now an accomplished artist, he continues to refine his craft, aiming for even greater success.

  • Studio: Aliens Tattoo

  • Tattoo Styles: Color, Black and Grey, Anime

  • Contact: +918048811205

  • Portfolio: Bhargav

6. Rinchin

Rinchin is celebrated for his expertise in minimalist and black and grey tattoos. His work often incorporates script elements and fine lines, adding a personal touch to each design.

Rinchin’s attention to detail and ability to create clean, elegant tattoos make him a favorite among clients seeking subtle yet meaningful body art.

  • Studio: Irezumi Tattoos

  • Tattoo Styles:  Minimalist, Color, Black and Grey, Script

  • Contact: +919884087177

  • Portfolio: Rinchin

7. Loganathan Deena 

Loganathan Deena is known for his hyper-realistic portraits and black and grey designs. His attention to detail is remarkable, capturing the essence of his subjects with precision. Loganathan’s tattoos are known for their depth and emotional impact, making him a go-to artist for clients seeking lifelike tattoos.

  • Studio: Tantra Tattoos

  • Tattoo Styles: Realism, Portrait, Black and Grey

  • Contact: +917200131314

  • Portfolio: Loganthan Deena

8. Anto 

Anto’s style is characterized by minimalism and clean-line art. His blackwork tattoos are bold and impactful, and his attention to detail makes his designs stand out. Anto has a knack for creating tattoos that are simple yet profound, making him a versatile artist.

  • Studio: S2 Tattoo Shop

  • Tattoo Styles: Line Art, Minimalism, Black and Grey, Blackwork

  • Contact:+918939557718

  • Portfolio: Anto

9. Mojo 

Mojo is renowned for his hyper-realistic and dotwork tattoos, bringing intricate designs to life. His minimalist approach adds a unique touch to black and grey tattoos, and his attention to detail ensures each piece is flawless. Mojo’s work speaks for itself, combining artistry with technical expertise.

  • Studio: Mojo Tattoo Studio

  • Tattoo Styles: Realism, Hyper-Realism, Dotwork, Minimalism, Black and Grey

  • Contact: +919962417133

  • Portfolio: Mojo

10. Kannan Kesavan 

Kannan Kesavan specializes in black and grey and script tattoos. His minimalist designs are both visually striking and meaningful. Kannan’s work is known for its clean lines and precise execution, making him a highly sought-after artist in Chennai.

  • Studio: Carbon Tattoos

  • Tattoo Styles: Black and Grey, Minimalist, Script Tattoos

  • Contact:  +919884124269

  • Portfolio: Kannan Kesavan

Importance of Choosing the Right Tattoo Artist

Choosing the right tattoo artist is critical to ensuring your tattoo not only looks good but is done safely and professionally. A skilled artist will take your ideas and transform them into a work of art while maintaining hygiene and safety standards. Additionally, the right artist will collaborate with you, offering expert guidance on placement, size, and design to create a piece that is both beautiful and meaningful.

Procedure for Reservation & Consultation

Booking a tattoo appointment in Chennai is a straightforward process. Most artists showcase their portfolios on Instagram or websites, where you can explore their work.

  • Contact Artist
    To book a session, reach out via social media or the studio’s online booking platform for inquiries and availability.

  • Consultation Process
    During the consultation, discuss your design ideas, preferred placement, and size. The artist will provide feedback and sketches.

  • Design Finalization
    Once the design is finalized, the artist may adjust small details. Both parties agree on the design before proceeding.

  • Deposit Required
    A deposit is typically required to secure your appointment. This confirms your slot and allows the artist to prepare.


Chennai’s tattoo scene is vibrant and diverse, offering a wide range of artistic styles and expertise. The top 10 tattoo artists listed here represent the best in the industry, each excelling in their own unique way. Whether you’re looking for a minimalistic design, a hyper-realistic portrait, or something culturally inspired, Chennai’s tattoo artists have the creativity and skill to bring your vision to life.


How much does a tattoo cost in Chennai?

How do I choose the right tattoo style?

Is getting a tattoo painful?

What is the aftercare process for tattoos?

Can I get a tattoo if I have sensitive skin?