Maverick Family Spotlight Artist – Maverick Tattoo Mercantile

Maverick Family Spotlight Artist – Maverick Tattoo Mercantile

Welcome to 🎉2024!! It’s a BRAND NEW YEAR🍾 Maverick Family! We have been loving our monthly artist spotlights and we hope YOU🫵🏼 have been too! To kick off 🥂The first month of the year in 2024, we have an amazing Artist for you all- introducing the one and only Cory Cartwright. If you don’t already know who Cory is (you must be living in a cave or something…) He was also one of our first sticker collaboration artists 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼(peep below!) 🐧 Check out his sticker HERE! 

 Maverick Family Spotlight Artist – Maverick Tattoo Mercantile

Cory’s Interview below is fun and interesting. I love that he talks about the life changing moment of becoming a Father. I know you dads out there are pickin up what he’s puttin down! 

 ⬇️ Keep reading! ⬇️

Don’t forget to check out Portal Tattoo Gallery if you’re ever in the Woodstock, GA area!

·Tell us about yourself. Where can people find you? Social media @’s?

Im a tattooer and shop owner in Woodstock, GA. I have been tattooing just under 11 years and have done mostly illustrative color work during those years. Lately i have been studying traditional to help build a stronger foundation for my neo-traditional work, which is my current favorite style to pursue.

Check out my current work:  @corycartwright

Check out my shop: Portal Tattoo Gallery 

·What do you love about Maverick?

The positive attitude and all the little things that set it apart. All the way down to the little mints in the packages. Lol 

·What are your favorite groupings or Maverick supplies you use while tattooing? 

23 mags, 17mags and loose 9 rounds are just so satisfying to use. I use pretty much everything from Maverick though!

·The Penguin is the Maverick founder’s spirit animal. What’s your spirit animal & why? 

My spirit animal would have to be an elephant. I have recently taken a new outlook on life within the past few years where maintaining composure and remaining unruffled comes as second nature. Feeling into the state of being unbothered by the small things and looking at the bigger picture has been really important to me.

·Can you describe your first tattoo experience? How old were you? What was it of? Who was the artist? 

I was 17 (couldn’t wait 3 more months for it to be legal) and i used a fake id to get my parents initials on my inner forearms. They have since been removed due to being done poorly but i plan to have them redone better soon!

·Top 3 artists you admire? 

Currently my favorites i really enjoy are:

·Sam Clark

·Sneaky Mitch

·Chris Primm

·What are some funny tattoo moments you have?

I once tattooed Gary The Snail on my buddy TJ’s ass. Ill let you guess where the snail trail ended.

·If you were to choose a band to best describe your artwork, which band would you choose and why? 

Gramatik.  Bold, colorful, funky

·If you were to win ‘BEST TATTOOER IN THE WORLD’ who would you thank and why?

I would like to thank all of the haters for pushing me to succeed.

·Secret hidden talent? What is it? 

I can blow spit bubbles on command.

·What is your kryptonite? 

Well im allergic to bees.. so that would put me down haha. Gravity also keeps me down 🙃

·Any person or animal that you would like to trade places with for the day? 

Im pretty focused on living a comfortable lifestyle and making the best decisions for my family, so i don’t trust my life in the hands of an eagle. But… i would love to fly over beautiful landscapes all day.

·What book or movie would you say everyone should read or watch? Why would you recommend that specific one? 

Watch “A scanner darkly” with Keanu reeves. Its a quite trippy movie about substance abuse and how it can ruin your life. Also the whole movie is done with rotoscoping which basically looks like a illustrative filter on-top of the original footage.

·Which state are you located in? What do you like most about where you live & why? 

Georgia! I live specifically in north georgia and the lush green mountains and woodlands are my favorite part of this state. I also enjoy experiencing all 4 seasons. It helps me regulate throughout the year.

·What is something weird you do before bedtime?

Watch people play old video games on youtube.

 ·What can you say is the best way to deal with stress that the busy tattoo life can bring on?

Smoke weed everyday. 

 ·Do you have a moment that changed your life? Do you mind sharing? 

When my son was born my whole outlook on life changed. I surprisingly have been able to overlook small stressors that used to have my mind going in circles. I am more calm and able to navigate MOST days concisely and maintaining composure.

 ·Who is the most unique client you have ever met? 

They are all very unique in their own ways. I cannot pinpoint one.

  ·Does the constant pressure and challenge of promoting yourself on social media exhaust you or is it second nature? 

It used to be second nature, but with the ever evolving algorithms and the devotion it takes to keep up, it has become very overwhelming. I try to create healthy boundaries with it and check in with myself about how im spending my time and a way brain power.









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