Maverick Spotlight Artist – DECEMBER – Maverick Tattoo Mercantile

Maverick Spotlight Artist – DECEMBER – Maverick Tattoo Mercantile

Waddap Everyone! This month’s Spotlight Artist is the talented MariBeth Klarr. Co- Owner of Las Vegas’s very own Collective Tattoo Parlor and founder of Metanoia Tattoo Gathering (The renewal of heart and mind through personal connection and education). We’re so stoked to be able to feature Maribeth  this  month here on our blog . Read ahead for the scoop!

·About you: Tell us about yourself. Where can people find you/ social media @’s? 

My name is Maribeth and I have been tattooing since 2009! I guess I’m old now! Hahah. I am a mother of two super rad children. My daughter Kaia, age 13 and my son Koa, age 9 are my whole heart. I have an amazing husband and partner in life. He is my best friend and we always have the BEST time together.  I am so thankful to be a tattooer and a part of such an incredible community of artists. I love painting and doing other various crafts. Ive recently fallen in love with surf-skating and Im just having the best time getting better at this new hobby.

Maverick Spotlight Artist – DECEMBER – Maverick Tattoo Mercantile

· Maverick’s goal is to help others where we can. As part of our ‘Give Back’ program. $1 for every cartridge box sold goes towards this program with a cap of 1k monthly. Is there a specific non profit organization that you are interested in? For your spotlight month we will be donating money to an organization of your choice. What makes you passionate about this organization?

Building Metanoia Tattoo Gathering is my calling in life. For years now I have dreamt of creating a space where women and mothers in our industry can come find transformation of mind and heart. A place where they can find renewal and joy through education and community. My heart especially goes out to mothers in our tattoo industry. It can feel super lonely trying to balance motherhood, tattooing and business ownership. Metanoia Tattoo Gathering wants to support mothers in tattooing. We want our mother attendees to know they are valued and we want to offer them a space where they can come share their stories, connect with other moms, build up their business, and grow their craft in a welcoming, supportive, and loving environment.

· What do you love about Maverick?

What is not to love? The Maverick Team is so passionate about what they do. I am so impressed by Austin and his excitement about providing artists with incredible, high quality, even eco friendly tattoo supplies. I love the heart behind Maverick and the support this company offers to tattooers all over. I am so thankful to know this team and have their support!

· Do you have any favorite groupings and or Maverick products you use while tattooing? 

A while back I tried out some bugpin curved mags and they were amazing. I was very happy with the quality. Im really looking forward to using some of Mavericks eco friendly tattoo supplies was well! Freezo liquid solidifier is amazing!

· If you weren’t a tattoo artist, where do you think you’d be & what do you think you’d be doing? 

I actually ask myself this question all the time lol! I love so many things. I would definitely still own my own business. I would likely own a coffee shop, do some sort of bead working or jewelry making, paint full time, or re-sell thrifted clothing items I have redesigned into something new.

· Can you describe the first time you were exposed to a tattoo or tattooing experience? 

I got my first tattoo at 18 years old. So exciting lol. I designed it myself and I was 1 of 2 people in my entire school who had a tattoo. I SHOCKED everyone because I was a nerd…not a badass.

· Top 3 artist you admire? Can you give us a brief description?

Chance Gomez: He is my business partner in crime! I have such great respect for him. Chance has taught me so much. His passion for tattooing is admirable. He has great respect for tattooing and where it came from. He has so much wisdom to share and I always know I can go to him with any questions I have. Not to mention, he is humble, kind, loves his family, and is an amazing tattoo artist!

· What are some funny or embarrassing tattoo moments you have? 

I accidentally tattooed a mandala of penises. It was one of those things I discovered way after the fact. Lol. I tattooed it, years later came across a photo of the tattoo, and realized- oh. Thats a lot of penises. And im certain that is not what my client was going for.

· If you were to win “best tattooer in the world” lol, who would you thank and why? 

Oh my gosh. Hahaha. Uh, probably one of my most favorite clients. His name is Roy. His very first tattoo ever was immediately a full sleeve- then immediately a full leg sleeve. He is so enthusiastic and appreciative and I adore him!

· Which state are you located in? What do you like most about where you live and why? 

Nevada baby! I love Las Vegas so much. I need good weather all year round. I need the sun and I need palm trees. Everything about vegas is what I need to survive effectively lol. I also love how Vegas provides big city options when it comes to activities and things to do while simultaneously offering residents with a small town feel in regards to friendships and community.

· What would you say is the best way to deal with stress that the busy tattoo life can bring on?

Oh this is huge! I love this question. Stress takes such a huge toll on a tattooers mental health and capacity to grow. I get it. Number one, REST. FIND REST. Rest is not earned, rest is a necessity. If we do not allow ourselves adequate rest away from social, away from work, away from the daily grind….we will only find ourselves stressed and burned out. I can say so much about this but I will leave it at that.

· Do you have a moment that changed your life? Do you mind sharing? 

Wow, just one? There are so many moments in my life that have seemed to completely change the trajectory of my life. But honestly, the first thing that came to mind with this question was meeting my husband. It was so random and so quick and so sudden- yet both of our lives changed dramatically shortly after we met. After only knowing one another for about a month or so, we committed to be with one another for life….

· Do you have a unique client that stands out, that maybe inspired you or motivated you in any way? 

Honestly my guy Roy I already talked about! Him and his whole family are just so amazing. They all get tattooed by me and I just adore how much they all love one another and how close they all are. They’ve suffered great tragedy in their lives but they did not allow it to keep them from living and finding joy in life. I truly admire Roy and his family in so many ways.


· How do you feel about today’s social media driven world and the challenges we face as artists feeling the need to constantly promote ourselves? 

I am so freaking old and crotchety when it comes to social media now a days. But I also know that social media has brought me so many connections with amazing clients and tattooers. I have to show appreciation in that sense. Outside of that, I hate the idea of needing a marketing degree just to get my art seen. Lol. It gets tiring.





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