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Looking to book your first tattoo? — The Barracks Tattoo Studio

Looking to book your first tattoo? — The Barracks Tattoo Studio

Looking to book your first tattoo? — The Barracks Tattoo Studio

New to getting tattoos? Here is everything you need to know about how to book a tattoo. What to expect from getting a tattoo and how to look after your new tattoo.

Booking your tattoo – 
Booking a tattoo is different for every artist and every studio you go to, but there are some core principles that are pretty much the same across the board. I want to talk about how you should go about booking your tattoo and how we personally run things here at The Barracks Tattoo Studio.

First things first and it comes before you even start to think about booking your tattoo and it is one of the most important and that is RESEARCH. Research what you like, what styles you like, whether you want to get colour, whether you want to just get a black and grey shaded tattoo or whether you want to get just simple line work. 

Once you’ve decided on your preferred style the next thing is to find an artist. The one closest to where you live might not be your best option! Look at an artist’s work, be willing to travel for good work, be willing to wait for good work. Do not go to the closest, the cheapest and please whatever you do do not go to the guy who tattoos out of his kitchen for a fraction of the price of a tattoo done in a shop.

We live in the era of information. Check reviews. Speak to people who have been tattooed there if you can and if you are happy with all of your research then you’re finally ready to contact the artist.

Contact your artist in their desired way. Some artists accept messages on Instagram and Facebook. Some would rather you emailed them. Respect the way they work and follow the guidelines (usually in their bio or on their website) to see how you should be contacting them. In your message to them include any reference images of other artists work or examples of work from the artists portfolio to give them an idea of what you want. 

Include what area you’re getting tattooed, it’s important for the artist to know whether you want the tattoo on your thigh or your throat because that may affect the size/shape of the tattoo. Also if you already have tattoos around the area you want your new tattoo it might be worth getting some pictures of the area you want the tattoo to go in so the artist can design your new tattoo around your older pieces.

From this point the balls in the artists court and you need to follow what they ask of you. You’ll probably need to pay a deposit so keep that in mind when contacting your artist and don’t be the person who says “put it in the diary and i’ll send it to you on payday”. The way we personally work and the way most tattoo artists work is that until you pay a deposit your desired date and time are not yet booked in, we deal with multiple enquiries daily and will often work on a first come first serve basis, so have your deposit ready if you’re serious about getting tattooed.

Getting your tattoo – 

Now you’ve done your research and booked in it’s time to finally go through with getting this tattoo. Arriving on time for your tattoo or even being 5-10 minutes early is never a bad thing, this is your allocated appointment and if we have multiple tattoos in that day set-backs are not an option, in some cases typically if your half an hour or more late you may be asked to reschedule and make another appointment and pay another deposit.

Now comes the much anticipated tattoo process –

When you arrive we will make you a drink, get you to fill in a form and finalise the size and placement of your tattoo. First of all the stencil will be applied to wherever you’re having the tattoo which we will let dry for a bit while we finish setting up. Then it’s tattoo time. If you need breaks, ask your artist for a break. If you have booked in for a large tattoo then it might be the case that you need to “tap out” if you can’t take the pain anymore and that’s fine too. Just keep your artist informed and they will accommodate your needs.

How to look after a fresh tattoo – 

Now every tattooed person you ever speak to will give you a different spin on how to look after your freshly done/healing tattoo and they will all recommend different products which work for them. With this in mind I think you’re always best to listen to the artist that has done your tattoo and see what they suggest. That said there are some universal bits of advice that you should adhere to for the first 10-14 days and they are; No hot tubs, no swimming, no sun beds, no fake tan, treat your tattoo like an open wound and keep it clean, no soaking it in water (including baths), no heavy exercising, no picking or scratching.

Your tattoo may scab, that’s fine. Some ink may look like it’s coming out in the shower, that’s normal don’t worry if your tattoo does need a touch up through no fault of your own then your artist should be able to give it a touch up once its fully healed. At The Barracks Tattoo Studio we recommended using Tiger Spit Balm which we sell in our shop. It contains CBD which is great for inflammation especially in the areas which are more prone to swelling like hands.

Last but not least I just want to say if you are in doubt at any point of the process on anything then contact your artist. Tattoo artists have all been in the situation of getting their first tattoo at some point so there is no such thing as a stupid question.

South Korean Tattooing – For The Tattoo Junkie & Newbie

South Korean Tattooing – For The Tattoo Junkie & Newbie

Despite South Korea being home to some of the best tattoo artists in the world they are still fighting for the right to tattoo. The beginning of this story starts over on the island of Japan, just off the tip of South Korea, where tattoos were first criminalized. 

In the 1980’s a Japanese gang, Yakuza, was gaining prevalence and their gun smuggling was starting to become a greater concern. In 1992, the Japanese government introduced the Gang Countermeasure Law, in an attempt to get the gang scene under control. However, the business owners and general population feared for their lives if they directly spoke out against the Yakuza. Like many gangs across the world the Yakuza were identified by their tattoos, so to avoid directly targeting the gang and becoming a target themselves the target became all people with tattoos which translated into a law. 

South Korea followed suit by criminalizing tattoo artists in 1992, though this law has a different basis, citing medical concerns; it was influenced by the Japanese law and general attitude towards tattoos. An important distinction is that you are allowed to have tattoos but it is illegal to be a tattoo artist. Their stipulation is that tattooing is a medical practice because there are needles involved and that only a doctor would have the medical knowledge to perform a tattoo and provide adequate aftercare. The law is actually that it is illegal to tattoo without a medical license, but like tattoo artist Apro Lee says, why would a doctor bother tattooing. 

In March of this year The Constitutional Court in Seoul voted to uphold the ban on tattooing, even though the Japanese law that originally influenced their own law has long since been overturned. Korean tattoo artists have called out the ban saying it’s, “backwards and lacking cultural understanding,” a CBC World article reports. Though tattooing is banned in South Korea there is still a vibrant underground tattoo scene, they estimate around 50,000 artists who are risking everything to keep their art form alive. The tattoo ban is punishable by 50 million won or 50,000 Canadian as well as 2 years – life in prison depending on the circumstances under South Korean public health laws. 

There are many concerns that arise with the criminalization of tattooing. Prominent artist Doy, tells ABC news that, “although he has not had any conflict with clients in his 15 years of tattooing, the illegal nature of the work means that artists are vulnerable to blackmail. “When a customer is not satisfied with the result or process of the tattoo, it can’t be resolved by civil negotiation or compensation like in other service business,” he said. “Customers can blackmail artists, threatening to report them.”” 

Ryu Ho-jeon, a young Korean politician is also an advocate for abolishing the law against tattooing, she raises the point that, “the current laws don’t even stop non-licenced tattoo artists from operating. The laws just force them underground, where they’re not regulated. “Keeping tattooing in the shadows is a public health issue and I’m also worried about labour rights of tattooists,”” in that same ABC article. Ryu is making all kinds of waves in South Korean politics from her modern day opinions on things like tattoos to just being a woman in Koren politics. I won’t dive too much more into her as it strays a little far from my topic but definitely read the ABC article to learn more about her! She has even sported fake tattoos to punctuate her point on the law and has said that if it is legalized she will get a real one. 

Attitudes are changing on the ground in South Korea, Ryu tells ABC, “”According to a recent survey, more than half of the respondents agreed to legalization of tattoo,” she said. However, there remains a clear, generational divide.”[Of the survey respondents], 80 per cent of people in their 20s support changing the law, but older age groups tend to be more negative [towards] the tattoo.”” As you saw in the video by Vice, it is mainly the older generation who still feel negative towards tattoos, it just so happens that that is also the main demographic in politics (Which I think is pretty safe to say is a common theme in most countries). To this day South Korea is the only industrialized country criminalizing tattoos, but it seems the tides are slowly changing in the favor of self expression. 

Check out some of the South Korean tattoo artists that are hitting the worlds radar here.


South Korean Tattooing – For The Tattoo Junkie & Newbie


Hi there! I’m Taylor, you may know me as Sterling Skull reception, or gatekeeper, or most recently Tater (thanks Chris). I love writing, creating and I love tattoos; so what better way to use my passions than to bring you a personal experience of our studio via a blog! Welcome, please stay a while!

Space Skull Explosion

Space Skull Explosion

Space Skull Explosion

Space Skull Explosion by Dmitry Vision, an artist at Love N Hate Tattoo Studio in Lakewood, Colorado.

The post Space Skull Explosion first appeared on Best Tattoo Ideas For Men & Women.

Tips and Tricks for Effective Tattoo Care

Tips and Tricks for Effective Tattoo Care

Tattoos are a beautiful form of self-expression and an incredible way to capture memories, emotions, and personal interests. ArtHouse Tattoo specializes in large custom Japanese tattoos, Celtic style, traditional tattoos, and tattoo cover-up projects. Ensuring your tattoo remains vibrant and stunning over time requires proper care and maintenance. 

Whether you’re looking forward to getting your first tattoo or want to keep your existing collection of ink in top-notch condition, we have you covered. Let’s delve into the intricacies of tattoo care and provide a comprehensive guide to help you invest in the well-being of your new or existing tattoos.

So, let’s begin your tattoo care journey and keep your ink looking fabulous and lasting for years to come.

Tips and Tricks for Effective Tattoo Care

1. Proper Cleaning Techniques for Your Tattoo

For your tattoo to heal appropriately and maintain its vibrancy, keeping it clean is a must. A few essential pointers ensure that you’re cleaning your tattoo in the most effective and gentle manner possible:

  • Follow the aftercare instructions provided by your tattoo artist.
  • Only use a mild, fragrance-free soap and gently wash your tattoo with your fingertips, never a cloth or sponge.
  • Avoid harsh rubbing and make sure to rinse thoroughly under running water.
  • Remember to pat your tattoo dry using a clean paper towel (do not rub) before applying aftercare products.

These cleaning techniques should be paired with keeping your hands sanitized before touching your tattoo. Repeat the process as directed by your artist, usually 2-3 times a day during the first few weeks.

Chest tattoo of sacred heart with clouds and flowers.

2. Moisturization Is Key

Proper moisturization plays an essential role in the healing process and helps maintain the vibrancy of your tattoo. With numerous moisturizing products on the market, here’s a guide to help you choose the best option:

  • Opt for fragrance-free, alcohol-free, and colorant-free lotions or ointments tailored for tattoos.
  • Avoid using petroleum-based products, as they can impair your tattoo’s healing process.
  • Always apply the moisturizer with clean hands and use a gentle, non-aggressive application technique.
  • It’s crucial not to over-moisturize, as your tattoo needs to breathe during the healing process. Your tattoo should have a light sheen but not be overly greasy.
Colorful samurai helmet tattoo on shoulder.

3. Protect Your Tattoo from the Sun

Exposure to the sun can cause significant damage to your tattoo, including premature fading and loss of detail. Protect your ink using the following methods:

  • Wait until your tattoo is fully healed before exposing it to the sun. Keep it covered and protected in the first weeks.
  • Once healed, always apply a broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 30 before sun exposure. It’s essential to choose a sunscreen without any harsh chemicals.
  • Reapply generously every two hours or immediately after swimming, regardless of your skin tone.
  • Consider investing in sun protection clothing, such as UV-resistant shirts or athletic wear, when spending prolonged periods outdoors.

Following these sun protection guidelines will help you protect your tattoos from fading and discoloration, ensuring that your ink remains vibrant and beautiful.


4. Nutrition Affects Tattoo Healing

Even though this might sound surprising, your diet can significantly impact your tattoo’s healing process. Consuming nutrient-rich, anti-inflammatory foods can promote healthy skin and expedite healing. Here are some food groups and vitamins to include in your diet:

  • Protein sources, such as lean meats, fish, or beans, benefit the skin’s repair process by supporting collagen production.
  • Vitamin A, found in carrots, spinach, sweet potatoes, and apricots, facilitates skin regeneration.
  • Vitamin C and zinc, commonly found in citrus fruits, berries, and green leafy vegetables, aid in the formation of new skin tissues and help protect the skin from damage.
  • Draft a well-rounded diet plan, focusing on whole foods and avoiding excessive alcohol, processed sugars, and junk food.

Taking care of your body from the inside will contribute to the overall health and appearance of your tattoo.

ArtHouse Tattoo Portfolio 170

Investing Time and Care in Your Tattoo

Tattoo care is an indispensable part of maintaining the quality and vibrancy of your ink. Take the time to invest in your tattoos by following these guidelines to ensure their longevity. With proper cleaning techniques, adequate moisturization, consistent sun protection, and a nutritious diet, your tattoos will remain beautiful and vibrant for years to come. 

Remember, if you ever need advice on tattoo care or need a touch-up, ArtHouse Tattoo’s team of experienced tattoo artists in Austin, TX, is always ready to assist you. Together, let’s keep your body art stunning and expressive as intended!

Beat the Algorithm with These Instagram Tactics

Beat the Algorithm with These Instagram Tactics

Beat the Algorithm with These Instagram Tactics

Developing a good Instagram portfolio requires careful planning, consistent effort, and attention to detail to showcase your work effectively. Here are some steps to help you create a compelling and professional portfoli…

5 Tips for Finding the Right Tattoo Artist

5 Tips for Finding the Right Tattoo Artist

Getting a tattoo is a significant decision that involves more than just picking a design. The choice of tattoo artist can make or break your experience and the outcome of your ink. Whether you’re a first-timer or a seasoned tattoo enthusiast, finding the right tattoo artist is crucial for both your safety and satisfaction. At Manifest Studios in West Covina, we understand the importance of this choice. Our expert artists deliver personalized, high-quality work that speaks to every individual’s unique vision.

But how do you sift through the multitude of options to find that perfect artist? With the growing popularity of tattoos, the sheer number of artists and studios can be overwhelming. From researching portfolios to understanding their hygiene practices, several factors should be considered to ensure you end up in the right hands.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the top five tips for finding the right tattoo artist. We’ll discuss how to evaluate their style and technique, the importance of hygiene and safety, effective communication, and other critical aspects. By the end of this article, you’ll be well-equipped with the knowledge to make an informed choice, ensuring your tattoo journey is as smooth and satisfying as possible.

Stay tuned as we walk you through each essential tip and tattoo style guide to help you find a tattoo artist who not only meets your expectations but also enhances your overall tattooing experience.

5 Tips for Finding the Right Tattoo Artist

Top 5 Tips for Choosing the Perfect Tattoo Artist

  1. 1. Research and Explore

Before committing to a tattoo artist, conducting thorough research is crucial. This foundational step enables you to gather information and evaluate your options methodically. The tattoo industry is rich with diverse styles and specialized artists, making it essential to pinpoint the one that aligns with your vision.

  • Explore Various Tattoo Styles

Start by exploring different tattoo styles to identify what resonates with you. From traditional American tattoos characterized by bold outlines and vibrant colors to fine-line tattoos known for their intricate detail and minimalist design, the spectrum is vast. Black and grey realism, watercolor tattoos, and neo-traditional styles are just a few other options. Understanding the distinctiveness of each style will help you narrow down artists who excel in your preferred genre.

Social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook are invaluable tools for discovering tattoo artists. Many artists and studios maintain active profiles showcasing their work. Websites dedicated to tattoo forums, such as Tattoo.com or Inked Magazine, offer insights and user recommendations. Google searches can also lead you to detailed portfolio galleries on artist or studio websites, providing a comprehensive view of their skills and specializations.

  1. Check Portfolios and Reviews

Evaluating an artist’s portfolio is a critical step in your selection process. A well-curated portfolio reflects the artist’s technical proficiency, creativity, and consistency. Here are aspects to consider:

  • Evaluate Portfolios Critically

When reviewing portfolios, look for consistency in line work, shading, and color application. Consistency indicates that the artist can produce high-quality work reliably. Assess the uniqueness of their designs; a good artist often customizes designs, even for popular motifs, to make them stand out. High-resolution images will offer better clarity for inspecting intricate details.

Customer reviews and testimonials provide a real-world perspective on an artist’s reputation and client satisfaction. Reliable sources include Google Reviews, Yelp, and social media feedback. Pay attention to comments about the artist’s professionalism, communication skills, and how they handle aftercare follow-up. Positive tattoo artist reviews with detailed experiences can be trustworthy indicators of a dependable artist.

  1. Visit Studios and Consult with Artists

After narrowing down potential artists, it’s essential to visit their studios and schedule consultations. This part of the process helps ensure that high standards of hygiene and professionalism are met.

  • Inspect the Studio Environment

A visit to the studio allows you to inspect its cleanliness and overall environment. A reputable studio maintains strict hygiene standards, including sterilized equipment and a clean work area. Observe whether they follow protocols such as wearing gloves and using disinfected surfaces and tools. A clean and well-organized studio is indicative of an artist who values client safety and professionalism.

Consultations serve as an important platform to discuss your design ideas and gauge the artist’s communication skills. During the consultation, pay attention to how they address your questions and concerns. Effective communication is crucial for translating your vision into a successful tattoo.

Prepare a list of questions to ask during your consultation. Inquire about the artist’s experience, their approach to sterilization, and tattoo aftercare tips. Ask to see their portfolio and discuss the feasibility of your design ideas. Learning about their process, from design to execution, will give you confidence in their capability.

  1. Assessing Experience and Specialization

Experience and specialization play vital roles in the quality and outcome of your tattoo. Here’s how to evaluate these aspects effectively:

The number of years an artist has been in the industry often correlates with their level of expertise. While newer artists can also produce excellent work, seasoned artists have usually developed refined techniques and a broader understanding of tattooing. Look for artists who have a significant portfolio and a history of diverse work.

Tattoo artists often specialize in certain styles or techniques. Choosing an artist who specializes in the style you want ensures that they are well-versed and skilled in that particular area. For instance, if you desire a portrait tattoo, selecting an artist experienced in realism will likely yield the best results. Common specializations include black, biomechanical, and traditional Japanese tattoos. Review their portfolio to confirm their expertise aligns with your desired aesthetic.

  1. Consider Comfort and Professionalism

The importance of comfort and professionalism cannot be overstated when selecting a tattoo artist. Here’s what to look for:

Feeling comfortable with your tattoo artist is essential. This comfort translates into open communication, which is imperative for expressing your ideas and concerns. During consultations, note if the artist is approachable, listens attentively, and makes you feel at ease.

  • Indicators of Professionalism

Professionalism is exhibited through clear communication, transparent pricing, and adherence to formal processes for consultations and bookings. An artist who provides a detailed breakdown of costs and timelines demonstrates a commitment to delivering quality service. Look for other indicators, such as a clean workspace, proper licensing, and insurance. This reflects their dedication to safety and legal compliance.

Always trust your instincts. If something doesn’t feel right or if you sense any red flags, it’s better to walk away. Whether it’s a lack of cleanliness, poor communication, or anything that causes discomfort, trusting your gut feeling is crucial in making a sound decision.

Additional Tips and Considerations

  • Budgeting: Quality Over Cost

One of the cornerstone principles in the journey of finding the right tattoo artist is understanding the budgeting aspect. High-quality tattoos often come with a higher price tag, reflecting the skill, experience, and materials used. Prioritizing cost over quality can lead to unsatisfactory results and even require expensive cover-ups later.

Several factors contribute to the overall cost of a tattoo. The complexity and size of the design, the time required, and the artist’s level of expertise all play crucial roles. Artists with established reputations often charge more due to their high demand and proven skill set. Studios located in premium areas might also have higher rates.

  • Why Cheap Isn’t Always Best

While it might be tempting to opt for cheaper options, compromising on cost can impact the quality and safety of your tattoo. Cheaper artists may cut corners in essential areas, such as sterilization practices, resulting in potential health risks. Remember, a tattoo is a lifelong commitment; investing in quality will ensure your design stands the test of time.

  • Health and Safety: Ensuring Proper Practices

Health and safety should be top priorities when selecting a tattoo artist. Ensuring that the artist follows strict hygiene and sterilization practices is imperative for your well-being.

A reputable tattoo artist will adhere to stringent hygiene protocols. This includes using disposable gloves, sterilizing equipment in an autoclave, and ensuring that inks and needles are single-use. The workspace should be clean and organized, with no signs of cross-contamination.

Equipment such as needles, tubes, and grips must be sterilized to prevent infections. The industry standard for sterilization is the use of an autoclave, which uses high-pressure steam to eliminate bacteria and viruses. Ask the artist about their sterilization methods and request to see the autoclave if possible.

Proper aftercare is crucial for the healing process and longevity of your tattoo. A professional artist should provide detailed aftercare instructions, including how to clean the tattoo, when to apply ointment, and what activities to avoid during the healing process.

  • Legal and Ethical Considerations

Tattooing is a regulated industry, and it’s essential to ensure that your chosen artist operates within the legal framework and adheres to ethical standards.

  • Licensing and Certification

Reputable tattoo artists and studios are licensed and certified by local health departments. These certifications signify that the artist has met the necessary health and safety standards. Ask to see their license and verify its validity if in doubt.

Ethical tattooing goes beyond health and safety. It involves transparent business practices, fair pricing, and respecting clients’ rights. Choose artists who value integrity and ethical behavior in all aspects of their work.

  • Consent and Age Restrictions

Reputable artists will always require valid identification and proof of age before proceeding with a tattoo. Many regions have strict age regulations, typically requiring clients to be at least 18 years old.

Make an Informed Choice for a Lifelong Commitment

Finding the right tattoo artist is a meticulous process that involves careful research, thoughtful evaluation, and a clear understanding of your own needs and desires. By prioritizing factors such as an artist’s portfolio, hygiene practices, and consultation skills, you can ensure that your tattoo experience is both safe and satisfying. The importance of these considerations cannot be overstated, as a tattoo is a permanent addition to your body, reflecting personal stories, values, or even aesthetic preferences.

Your journey to finding the perfect tattoo artist doesn’t have to be overwhelming. By incorporating the tips discussed in this guide—such as assessing experience and specialization, ensuring comfort and professionalism, and understanding tattoo aftercare—you can confidently navigate the process. Remember, a well-chosen artist not only creates a beautiful piece of art but also enhances your overall tattooing experience.

At Manifest Studios, we are dedicated to helping you achieve the tattoo of your dreams. Our artists are skilled in various styles and committed to maintaining the highest standards of professionalism and hygiene. Whether you are a tattoo novice or a seasoned collector, our team offers personalized consultations to address your ideas, answer your questions, and ensure your utmost satisfaction.

Ready for Your Perfect Tattoo?

Explore our artists’ portfolios, read client testimonials, and schedule a consultation with us today. Visit Manifest Studios to start your journey towards a stunning, meaningful tattoo that you will cherish for a lifetime. Let us help you bring your vision to life with expertise and care. Contact our tattoo experts today to learn more.

Bold & Stylish Hand Tattoo Ideas for Men ✋ Top Designs to Inspire

Bold & Stylish Hand Tattoo Ideas for Men ✋ Top Designs to Inspire

  • Written By Kim Harrison on September 27, 2024
    Last Updated: September 27, 2024

Getting a tattoo is a commitment, and opting for a hand tattoo cranks that commitment up a notch. Hand tattoos are bold, visible, and undeniably stylish—perfect for those who want their ink to make a statement. But finding the right design can be a struggle. You want something meaningful, but also stylish and fitting for this prominent placement. How do you decide on the perfect design that showcases your personality while fitting your style and aesthetic?

We know you want your hand tattoo to be unique and impactful, so let’s break down the best ideas, styles, and inspirations to help you find the right one!


  • Find Your Style: Pick a tattoo design that resonates with your personality.
  • Placement is Key: Consider which part of your hand will suit the design best.
  • Bold and Detailed: Hand tattoos work best with bold, clean designs and details.
  • Consider the Pain and Healing Process: Hand tattoos can be more painful and need extra care.
  • Look for Timelessness: Choose designs that age well since hand tattoos are highly visible.

Why Hand Tattoos Are the Ultimate Power Statement

Hand tattoos are one of the most daring and captivating forms of body art. Unlike tattoos on more hidden parts of your body, hand tattoos are always out there—whether you’re meeting someone new, shaking hands, or just gesturing while you talk. They instantly communicate confidence and a love for self-expression. But before you head straight to the tattoo parlor, it’s important to do some research. Hand tattoos fade faster, are more prone to wear and tear, and require more maintenance over time compared to tattoos on other parts of your body.

So what makes a great hand tattoo? The secret lies in finding a design that complements your hand’s shape while representing your story and style. Below, you’ll find inspiration for different tattoo styles and designs that are all about making your hands unforgettable.

Hand Tattoo Ideas That Stand Out

1. Minimalist Line Art

Clean, minimalist designs are an evergreen trend in the tattoo world. A sleek line drawing, such as a geometric shape, tiny mountain range, or abstract design, works well on the hands since it can follow the natural contours of your knuckles and fingers. These tattoos are great for men looking for something understated yet meaningful.

2. Script & Typography

Script tattoos can be a great way to add a meaningful word or phrase to your hands. Whether it’s a single word, like “Strength” or “Freedom,” or a phrase such as “Never Give Up,” the right script can add a powerful message to your hand in an elegant, stylish way. Opt for flowing cursive, bold block letters, or your preferred typography style.

3. Nature-Inspired Designs

For the nature lover, designs that draw inspiration from the outdoors can look beautiful on the hands. Think trees, leaves, feathers, waves, or even an animal that holds personal significance. These natural elements lend themselves well to the flow of the hand and fingers, creating a tattoo that feels organic and harmonious.

4. Skulls & Bones

Skulls have long been a favorite among hand tattoo ideas for men. Their bold, edgy look gives off a strong, confident vibe. You can play around with different styles—from realistic and highly detailed to a more stylized or cartoonish take. Don’t forget to consider how the skull’s placement on your hand’s shape can enhance the design, like having the jawbone rest on your knuckles.

5. Symbols of Spirituality

Incorporating symbols with spiritual significance can make for a unique and personal hand tattoo. This could include designs like mandalas, crosses, prayer hands, or sacred geometry patterns. Not only are these tattoos eye-catching, but they also carry deeper meanings and often serve as reminders of one’s values and beliefs.

Placement Tips: Where to Get Your Hand Tattoo

Not all hand tattoos are created equal, and placement can significantly influence not only how your tattoo looks but also how it ages and how visible it is day-to-day. Depending on your style, pain tolerance, and preferred visibility, choosing the right spot is key. Here are some options to consider:

  • Finger Tattoos
    These tiny tattoos pack a big punch and are perfect for those who want a subtle yet impactful design. Finger tattoos can be done as single symbols, letters, or designs across multiple fingers, creating a “ring” effect that’s both trendy and stylish. They work well for those seeking a minimalist look or wanting to tell a story through multiple small designs on each finger. Keep in mind that finger tattoos are highly visible but may fade faster due to regular use and exposure.
  • Side of the Hand
    The side of your hand offers a sleek, elongated canvas ideal for longer designs, script, or phrases. This placement is perfect for tattoos that need space to stretch and flow naturally, like a vine, feather, or meaningful quote. Designs here often have a subtlety that makes them unique; they’re less noticeable when your hand is relaxed but come alive when it’s moved. However, the skin here is delicate, so expect a bit more discomfort during the inking process.
  • Back of the Hand
    The back of the hand is a more expansive canvas, making it perfect for larger, more complex designs like skulls, roses, mandalas, or intricate geometric patterns. This placement is highly visible and makes a bold statement, ensuring your tattoo stands out. If you’re looking for something more artistic or want to showcase a detailed piece, the back of the hand is the way to go. It’s also great for tattoos that you want to tie into other designs on your arm or wrist. However, be mindful of sun exposure as this can affect how the tattoo ages over time.

Pain & Healing: What to Expect

Be prepared—hand tattoos are more painful than tattoos in other areas. The skin on your hands is thin and close to the bone, making it sensitive to tattoo needles. Plus, given that your hands are constantly in use, your tattoo will need extra care during the healing process. Expect some swelling, and make sure you moisturize and protect the tattoo as it heals.

Pro Tip: Avoid using harsh soaps and limit your hand’s exposure to water during the first few days of healing. Your tattoo artist may also suggest gentle tattoo creams to speed up the healing process and reduce irritation.

Insider Tips

  • Choose a Design That Reflects YOU: Your tattoo is an extension of your personality. Choose something you can see yourself loving forever.
  • Think About Longevity: Hand tattoos can blur and fade faster than other placements. Bold, simple lines and well-defined shapes age the best.
  • Know Your Artist’s Strengths: Not all tattoo artists specialize in hand tattoos. Choose someone with experience who understands the nuances of hand placement and anatomy.
  • Match Your Aesthetic: Consider how your hand tattoo will look with other tattoos on your body or how it will blend into your overall style.
  • Preparation is Key: Bring reference photos, have an idea of the design size, and be open to your tattoo artist’s suggestions on placement and sizing.

Conclusion: Own Your Hand Tattoo Journey

The world of hand tattoos is full of endless possibilities. Whether you’re aiming for something meaningful, artistic, or just plain cool, the key is to choose a design that feels true to you. With the right tattoo artist and a carefully thought-out design, your hand tattoo will become a lasting representation of your personality and style. Remember, your ink is permanent, so make sure it’s something you’ll proudly show off for years to come.

FAQs: Common Questions About Hand Tattoos

Q: Do hand tattoos hurt more than other tattoos?

Yes, hand tattoos can be more painful because the skin is thin and there’s less fat cushioning the bones.

Q: How long do hand tattoos take to heal?

Typically, they take about 2-3 weeks to heal, but full recovery may take longer. It’s essential to follow aftercare instructions carefully.

Q: Will my hand tattoo fade quickly?

Hand tattoos can fade faster due to regular exposure to sunlight and frequent use of your hands. Choosing bold designs and lines can help maintain their appearance.

Q: Can I get a hand tattoo as my first tattoo?

While it’s possible, it’s not generally recommended for beginners due to the pain, aftercare, and the high visibility of hand tattoos. If you’re sure about it, find an experienced tattoo artist.

Q: How much do hand tattoos typically cost?

Prices vary based on the artist, design complexity, and size. On average, small to medium hand tattoos can range from $50 to $200 or more.


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INK GUARD Tattoo Film Allergic Reaction – What To Do

How to avoid allergies: check for yourself with this easy test

It’s very common for tattoo artists to ask a client if they have any adhesive or latex allergy. If the client is unsure, the tattoo artist can simply do a strip test to find out. Before you apply all of the Tattoo Film, the strip test will tell you how a persons skin will respond to the product.

For the test, you just have to use a tiny test strip of the Ink Guard Tattoo Film on a shaved, clean surface of the person’s skin. The inner side of the forearm is considered a good place to start. When you are working on a design or preparing for it, leave the strip on the skin for 15-20mins. If you notice any redness, irritation or scratching happens during that period, take it out from the area and wash it thoroughly with a cleanser.

Now let us be clear – we are not doctors, your tattoo artist is not a doctor, and this is not medical advice. But understanding basic science, this reaction tells us about the skin condition of that person. That person is allergic to adhesive therefore using Ink Guard Tattoo Film would not be a good idea. On the other hand, if the person shows no reaction at all, it is very unlikely for him/her to get allergies from this substance. In such cases, you can proceed to apply Ink Guard Tattoo Film to help heal your fresh tattoo.

There are several kinds of skin types that act differently to the material. Usually, Ink Guard Tattoo Film sticks to the dry and sensitive skin types more fondly than it does to the oily skin type. For that reason, sensitive skin types may feel pain when the film is removed. If a person drinks a lot of water or fruit juice during the time of the tattoo healing process, it’s possible that the recovery time can be shorter.

How you can avoid cross-reactions

While it is unlikely for the majority of people to have an allergic reaction from Ink Guard Tattoo Film, it is not impossible, and in some instances it has happened.

A few resulting symptoms are itchiness, swelling, discomfort, redness, inflammation, etc. If your skin comes in contact with substances of high alcohol percentage just before you have applied Ink Guard Film, the adherence becomes more stringent to the skin as it get’s trapped under the film. That way at the time of removing the bandage may become painful to some. Also, part of the sticky adhesive may remain intact to the skin. It is best if you do not use some of the below-mentioned components during the tattoo-process:

  • You should not use products like green soap which is glycerine-based. A mild cleaning agent like soft antibacterial soap or tattoo soap is better for cleaning the wound . Applying an alcohol-based cleanser will only make things worse for you, and dry out the new tattoo.
  • You definitely should avoid high-fragranced products in the applying area because they contain a high percentage of alcohol. Body products such as Body washes, sprays, lotions, colognes, perfumes, etc.
  • You should avoid highly alcohol-based substances like rubbing alcohol during the healing period of the tattoo.

Apart from these, it is highly recommended that you check the list of ingredients before you apply anything to your or your skin. If you find any ingredient similar to the aforementioned substances, ask your tattoo artist to not use them at the time when Ink Guard Film is applied, or at the very least, be sure to cleanse the area very good with water before applying the Ink Guard Film.

INK GUARD Tattoo Film Allergic Reaction – What To Do

How Celebrities Rock Temporary Tattoos – TribeTats

How Celebrities Rock Temporary Tattoos – TribeTats

Celebrities Rocking Temporary Tattoos

Many celebs want the look of a real tattoo,
real tattoos are limiting
because they aren’t a fit for certain movie roles. So, Hollywood’s most stylish celebrities have embraced the temporary tattoo fashion trend. From Coachella to yachting to the runway, celebrities are accentuating their tans – and attracting the paparazzi – with chic body art.

For example, note Beyoncé hanging out (on one the largest boats we’ve ever seen) adorned in armbands, with two gold tattoos
lining her collar bones
, leading into a body chain made from a
tattoo bracelet.

How Celebrities Rock Temporary Tattoos – TribeTats

Vanessa Hudgens is killing it with her tribe at their annual Coachella appearance, in a
geometric armband tattoo.

TribeTats are a staple of festival fashion these days – and if you’re more into music indoors, check out our
Glow In The Dark Tattoos!

We’ve even made
custom temporary tattoos for sponsors of music festivals such as Bonnaroo, Gov Ball and SX Music Festival in St. Martin.

Going for the real tattoo look, Kendall Jenner sports black
shooting star tattoos (which can be found in our
Classics Metallic Tattoo Collection) at the Tommy Hilfiger runway show.

We particularly love the
small cheek tattoos
she wore in addition to matching larger versions on her collarbone and ribs.

Temporary tattoos are also a great
giveaway for bridesmaids
and a fun matching accessory at bachelorette parties – a trend embraced by  Lauren Conrad. 

Check out TribeTats’
Bride Tribe Bachelorette Tattoos if you or a friend are getting married soon!

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The playful spirit in the pop surrealistic exhibition HOMO LUDENS

The playful spirit in the pop surrealistic exhibition HOMO LUDENS

The Surreal Worlds of Riki Antoni, Valdo Manullang and Fandi Angga Saputra

Prima Marella Gallery in Lugano, Switzerland, presents the new group exhibition HOMO LUDENS. The Surreal Worlds of Riki Antoni, Valdo Manullang and Fandi Angga Saputra. The three Indonesian artists use their unique visual and the pop surrealist language to explore how the playful spirit of childhood shapes human experience, creativity and the foundations of society.

The playful spirit in the pop surrealistic exhibition HOMO LUDENS
Valdo Manullang, Take Care, Abel, 2024

The title pays homage to and recalls the concept of Homo ludens, theorized by historian and cultural critic Johan Huizinga – who stated that play is not just a distraction but a fundamental element of culture itself. Through their art, these three artists emphasize the importance of preserving the playful and imaginative elements of each childhood.

Fandi Angga Saputra, Takir, 2024
Fandi Angga Saputra, Takir, 2024

Riki Antoni (1977, Indonesia) is known for his distinctive pop-surrealist aesthetic, rooted in the idea that play is the purest form of creative expression and human curiosity. His work places the child at the core of artistic discourse: a symbol of innocence, exploration and boundless wonder. His figures seem to come from a parallel or dystopian universe and often feature large eyes that convey curiosity and introspection, inhabited worlds that mix elements of reality and fantasy.

Fandi Angga Saputra, Guided by Wisdom, 2024, Acrylic on canvas, 120 x 90 cm
Fandi Angga Saputra, Guided by Wisdom, 2024, Acrylic on canvas, 120 x 90 cm

Fandi Angga Saputra (1996, Indonesia) also brings a deep connection with nature to his paintings. His work is deeply rooted in his personal memory and vivid childhood memories of the rural village where he grew up, which allowed him to have an intense and direct relationship with nature. In his surrealist paintings, rendered in fresh, vibrant colors, Saputra brings to light an endangered world of unspoiled nature, slow rhythms and wonder of exploring the world through the eyes of a child.

Riki Antoni, 2024, La Voyage, Oil acrylic on canvas, 160 × 198,5 cm
Riki Antoni, 2024, La Voyage, Oil acrylic on canvas, 160 × 198,5 cm

Flora and fauna take on distorted and fantastic forms and imaginary creatures populate wonderful landscapes that seem to emerge from a dream or simply from the mind of a child who perceives the magic of the world around him.

Valdo Manullang, Star of The East, 2024
Valdo Manullang, Star of The East, 2024

Manullang stands out for his extraordinary hyper-realistic technique, expressed through a fascinating visual language imbued with symbolic depth. Through the skillful use of black and white, obtained with charcoal powder, and deep colours, achieved with oils and acrylics, the artist brings his imaginary worlds to life. Figures emerging from monochrome backgrounds are suspended in a dreamlike dimension.

Riki Antoni, Habitation Rescue, 2024
Riki Antoni, Habitation Rescue, 2024

Through his portraits, the artist explores the idea of collective growth, a shared journey that all souls make together in the great cycle of life. These “beautiful souls” are not just aesthetic representations, but symbols of hope, beauty and interconnection.

Fandi Angga Saputra, Sawang Sinawang, 2024

Credits for all the images: Courtesy of Primo Marella Gallery and the Artist (Riki Antoni/Fandi Angga Saputra/Valdo Manullang)
Until 31 October 2024
Primo Marella Gallery
Lugano, Switzerland

The post The playful spirit in the pop surrealistic exhibition HOMO LUDENS appeared first on Tattoo Life.