Welcoming Vas | @by_vas

Welcoming Vas | @by_vas

Welcoming Vas | @by_vas

Hey Vasif, welcome to One by One! Tell us a little about yourself?

How did your career in tattooing start?

After 10 years of graphic design and art direction in addition to many business lines, I realised that the tattoos I did as a hobby gave me more excitement besides the intense tempo in the advertising sector. With the encouragement and support of my friends, I have been tattooing professionally for 8 years 🙂

Can you tell us about the creation of the ‘Pellucid Tattoo’ and what are your favourite themes to work with in this beautiful style you created?

Pellucid as a word, means “able to be seen through with clarity” or “transparently clear”. I see my designs as illustrating a combination of “where I want to be and where I actually am”.  In the same way, my Pellucid works express an inner clarity that can be seen from the outside. The ideas that underpin “Pellucid Illustration” emerged as an expression of the violence and neglect I encountered as a kid and the hope I always carried. My style searches to open the soul, in that it is for those who know where they are, where they dream to be and are not afraid to show where they once were.

What’s your ‘go to’ genre of music to listen to, to get feeling inspired and when do you feel most productive?

I listen to all kinds of music. My taste in music varies depending on what kind of period I am going through. However, if I have to specify, I generally listen to classical music and electronic music without lyrics. 

When the calmness of the night falls, I think it is my turn and my designs always come out at this time 🙂

What was the last live music show you went to? 

Last time I listened to Blues in a small pub. Unfortunately I don’t remember the name of the band but I still feel the energy they gave me.

Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without?

I guess I’ve never valued anything that much. Or being prepared for anything that might happen might have kept me from feeling that way.

If you weren’t a tattoo artist, what would be your other dream job and why?

If I wasn’t a tattoo artist, I think I would like to be a photographer. I like to freeze moments. Or being a painter and creating those moments is also an option for me. When I think about it, they are no different from tattoos 🙂

What would you like to tattoo more of this year?

I would like to work on the moments when cartoon characters give us hope.

If you could choose three tattoo artists (UK or Internationally) that you’d like to get tattooed by – irrespective of time, money or airfare, please tell us the artist’s names and what you’d love to get from them?

Edit_paints, chenjie.newtattoo and ahmet_cambaz. These three artists can give me any tattoo they want. I admire their emotions and the way they express them so much that I am sure I will see them as a part of myself.

Sunrise or sunset?

Ah.. that was the hardest question 🙂 I think I’ll say sunset.

Can you tell us two unknown facts about yourself?

Those who see me during the day think that I have a cold and distant stance. In fact, it is enough for them to say “hello” to understand that I am the opposite of this.

People usually think I’m around 20 years old, but… I’m almost in my mid-thirties 🙂



Check out more of Vasif’s portfolio on our website and if you’d like to get a booking or consultation with Vas you can now find his name on our website booking form.

Find Vas on Instagram @by_vas, give him a follow to keep up with his availability and designs.      


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