What is getting a Blackwork Tattoo like? | UN1TY Tattoo Studio

What is getting a Blackwork Tattoo like? | UN1TY Tattoo Studio

What is getting a Blackwork Tattoo like? | UN1TY Tattoo Studio

The experience of getting a blackwork tattoo (or any tattoo for that matter) is dependent on who is doing it and the environment it’s in. The nature of tattooing means that as the needles are worked across the skin, exchanging ink for blood there will be discomfort, if not pain.

For me, it has always been important to help my clients push through whatever physical/mental barriers they come up against. Leaving UN1TY with their tattoo, once the bleeding stops and the scabs flake, they’re left with a reminder of what they accomplished and the experience had.


I recently closed a chapter on a client’s tattoo. They reached out to me 8 years ago about covering up a 3/4 sleeve. From there we went on to complete a half bodysuit. During this time we both watched our partners bring daughters into the world, navigated a global pandemic and felt the rough and the smooth of life.

It’s a pleasure that my work means I connect with people on such a personal level and it’s important that I’m creating a positive environment and experience that my clients will always carry with them.

Below is the email I received from Alex after we concluded his half bodysuit. It’s exactly how we want our clients to feel after getting a tattoo at UN1TY.


“Dear Hanumantra (and Jo of course!),

I just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH. I am so happy that my tattoo is complete (for now anyway haha!). Honestly, I can say that I have loved every session. Your hospitality is second to none and the environments you have created in both your new and old studios are perfect. A real homely, relaxed vibe which puts everyone at ease, in my opinion.

I have really enjoyed our lengthy conversations about just about every subject over the past 7/8 years, however long it’s been! You and Jo have given me some great advice regarding personal things and brilliant recommendations on subjects we share a love for. My best experiences in being tattooed in all my 23 years involved.

You really do need to be commended on your passion for your trade. The attention to detail in all you do (be it your tattoos, decorating the studios or the books in the bathroom!). The effort you obviously put into making your clients feel more like family guests than customers! I miss you already! 

However, I’ll definitely be back to see you again to show you my completed rib panel by Luca AND to get another tattoo by you, without a doubt.

Maybe also for Jo to tattoo my right hand with a traditional, Japanese style, swallow bird design, if possible?? I’ll be in touch.

Thanks also to Vicki for being so nice and accommodating!

Take care all, good luck and fortune and I’ll see you soon.

All the best,





The image above created a lot of attention for Blackwork in general when I published it in 2016. This led to an increase in demand for this type of tattoo and received international media coverage. HERE you can see one such article from the Huffington Post.

The following images are just a chosen few from the sessions that Alex and I worked together. It gives a glimpse at the process of this tattoo spanning over 8 years. The level of commitment required. The desire to finish what was started.












Savour those moments of getting tattooed. It’s often what we learn on the journey that gives value to the destination.



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