Best Butterfly tattoo

A butterfly tattoo symbolizes transformation, freedom, and beauty. It often represents personal growth and change, making it a popular choice for body art.

Best Butterfly tattoo

Butterfly Tattoo:

There are all kinds of tattoo designs. It can be said that only you can’t think of it, and no one else dares to get one. But in fact, many people still have a lot in common when choosing tattoo designs. For example, more girls choose butterfly pattern tattoos. When you see this tattoo, do you understand what it means? Let’s take a look below!

Butterfly tattoos are very popular among girls. We often see some girls with various butterfly tattoos, so butterfly tattoos have the following meanings.

What does the butterfly tattoo mean?  What does it mean?

  1. About love: It represents love that cannot fly away.

  2. Attitude towards life: evolution, transformation, degradation

  3. Mental attitude: death, soul.


After a long period of accumulation, one will break out of a cocoon and become a butterfly. Metamorphosis is painful. But the caterpillar chose this pain and endured it silently. There was no other thought in my mind, no other consideration except turning into a butterfly. Maybe the beauty of butterflies lies here. Love is like the transformation of a butterfly, making the person in love look new again.

Marriage is more like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon, longing for a beautiful and splendid new life. The image of the butterfly is beautiful and light and is often used to metaphor the happiness and harmony of love and marriage. As a symbol of love, butterflies conform to the aesthetic customs accumulated in people's hearts for thousands of years.


A legend similar to the love tragedy of Butterfly Lovers has been circulating in Dali, Yunnan for a long time. According to legend, the orphan girl Wen Gu and the hunter Xia Lang fell in love. However, local bullies covet Wen Gu and want to break them up. However, people who love each other share weal and woe. When they were chased, they all jumped into the butterfly spring and turned into a pair of beautiful butterflies. From then on, day after day, year after year, I danced tirelessly on the spring water.

Butterflies are appreciated by people for their beauty of body, shape, color, and emotion. People believe that a butterfly emerging from its cocoon is the sublimation from ugliness to beauty. Therefore, butterfly means rebirth, breaking free, rebirth.

It may bring the human body back to its natural state and is a symbol of graceful culture.

Butterflies stand for happiness and love. It is energizing, motivating, and intoxicating. Inspiring Chinese literature frequently uses flying butterflies as an emblem of free love to represent people's quest for the most liberated kind of love.

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The butterfly tattoo is a popular symbol whose meaning may seem obvious. But, in fact, he hides much more than meets the eye!

Butterflies are small and absolutely adorable lepidopteran insects. Such work can be small in size and easily hidden under clothing. Or become the basis for a grandiose picture, complemented by many interesting parts! This creature, known for its transformation from a larva to a caterpillar and a pupa, carries a lot of symbolism, which plays a big role for lovers of tattoo culture.

History of the symbol

As a symbol, the butterfly was present in the legends of many world nations a rule, her image signified femininity, beauty, and tenderness. However, not everything was so prosaic among the ancient people in relation to this beautiful creature.

In ancient Greek culture, the butterfly symbolized the immortal soul of man. The ancestors of the Japanese put a similar meaning, associating with this creature the spirit of a person who died. But they also considered options for the meaning of the butterfly, such as family happiness and well-being.

Christians gave it a similar meaning: in this religion, it began to symbolize immortality and longevity. But the ancient Romans imagined this creature radically differently: for them, she was a harbinger of war. Like the Mexicans, they considered these insects to be carriers of the souls of dead warriors.

The most common interpretation of the image of the light-winged beauty is associated with the amazing stages of her life. The unattractive caterpillar becomes a pupa, from which a beautiful butterfly soon emerges. Insect metamorphosis evokes associations with rebirth. Hence the common meaning of the symbol for many cultures - the soul, as well as the process of its resurrection, the transition from the earthly world to the heavenly one.  

This was the meaning put into the appearance of the winged creature: 

  • the ancient Greeks (in Greek one word means both concepts); 
  • Romans; 
  • Aztecs; 
  • Mayan;
  • Slavs. 

A comparison of the cycle of human life with the transformations of a caterpillar is noted in the tales of African tribes.

Eastern peoples, lovers of symbolism, have more explanations for the winged sign. 

  1. In India, he is a talisman for lovers. 
  2. In China, the insect represents abundance, joy, summer, love, and family happiness. 
  3. In the Japanese tradition, it is associated with the feminine principle, its grace, beauty, and sometimes idleness and frivolity. 

It was customary among the Dulongs to tattoo girls' faces with butterflies for good luck.

The meaning of a butterfly tattoo

If you are thinking about getting a butterfly tattoo and want to know more details about the meaning of this image, then the following points are just for you!

Butterfly is a symbol of freedom. This is what many people are guided by when deciding to choose such a sketch. Such a person cannot sit still for a long time, he is always drawn to flight, to search for something new and exciting.

Those with such jobs strive for ease and ease in life. They are easy to communicate with and you always feel comfortable with them. Such people are endowed with the energy of inspiration and willingly share it. This tattoo can also be applied to your body as a talisman. Eastern peoples, such as the Chinese, believe that the butterfly is a sign of long life and good health. Another cultural significance of these tattoos was added by not so remote places: they say that in the zone tattoos with butterflies are awarded to particularly successful thieves.

Position and placement

Butterfly is a very common tattoo idea. There is hardly at least one master who has not had to deal with such a sketch at least once. There are a huge number of variations in the application of such a tattoo, depending on which its meaning will change. 

First, decide in what position you want to see the winged insect on your body:

  • open wings can mean independence and your openness to the world.
  • a butterfly that flies symbolizes freedom.
  • if the wings of the heroine of the tattoo are folded, then probably her owner is looking for peace of mind.

As for the location on the body, the meaning can have completely different semantic colors.

  • Hand. The drawings are striking on this part of the body and speak for themselves. It is believed that it is ideal for people who want to forget the past because one of the meanings of a butterfly tattoo on the arm is rebirth and transformation!
  • Leg. Such works are often worn as an additional accessory (for example, in the form of a bracelet with a butterfly circling around the ankle). This design demonstrates the sophistication of the owner and is ideal for young girls. 
  • Shoulder. The common meaning of a sketch in such a place is the thirst for freedom and spiritual youth. The winged insect will look like it has come to life and perched on your shoulders!
  • Small of the back. This idea does not have a very good reputation - it is strongly associated with girls of easy virtue. But if you don’t care about prejudices, then feel free to decide on the sketch.
  • Back. This option can mean freedom and the desire for it, especially if you choose a tattoo with a large butterfly spreading its wings.
  • Neck. This decision is typical for brave and decisive people and means the owner’s desire for independence.
  • Buttocks. An option for the most daring, because usually such a design is made by girls and is well hidden from prying eyes. It is not surprising, but such a tattoo will mean love. A tattoo on the stomach will have a similar meaning.
  • Spatula. This tattoo is attributed with meanings such as elegance, fortitude, and independence.
  • Hip. This option is well suited for ladies because it symbolizes the feminine principle.
  • Wrist. An excellent neutral option for application. The work will be associated with elegance and sophistication.
  • Breast. The location of such a tattoo in the area of ​​the heart will mean love and inspiration.

Tattoo color

The butterfly is famous for its bright colors. These insects have collected a lot of unusual and rare colors on their wings, which can be conveyed in a very original way in a tattoo sketch. But in fact, each shade in a butterfly tattoo can carry a certain meaning, so the choice of shade of the winged design is also symbolic. 

Color Meaning
Blue Dreams, miracles, fantasies
Red Love, courage, passion
Violet Youth, originality
Black Wisdom, reincarnation
Orange Attachment to family.
White Memory of the Dead

Meanings of butterfly tattoos for men and women

It is generally accepted that this tattoo is for women! And this is partly true because the cultural meaning of this image suggests femininity, tenderness, and beauty, and not masculine strength.

But today, many guys do not give up the idea of ​​getting a butterfly tattoo, because with a competent approach, the author’s imagination, and the talent of the artist, it can sparkle with completely new meanings for a man. 

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