Birds Feather Tattoo Designs

Bird feather tattoos stand for independence, defense, rebirth, and uniqueness. These classy and individual symbols of individuality take on new meanings depending on where they are placed on the body.

Birds Feather Tattoo Designs

Bird feather tattoos:

what is their meaning?

One of the most universal, light symbols used in the world of tattoos is the bird feather. After all, it harmoniously combines such meanings as tenderness, flight, sleep, creative thoughts, writing, and much more. Therefore, it is not surprising that people of completely different ages and genders order tattoos of feathers with birds. Some use it as a simple, banal decoration. Others see it as a sacred symbol or even an amulet.

Feather Tattoo Meaning - Subtleties of Feather Tattoos:

In North America, the feather was associated with the protection of spirits. A person wearing feathers, such as the wings of an eagle, absorbed the power of that bird. Bird feathers were also used to make talismans, such as dream catchers. For military purposes, feathers were used to make arrows. It is not uncommon to find a tattoo that combines several similar features, such as a feather and an arrow.

The feather is directly associated with the bird and has a similar meaning. Therefore, the feather can be interpreted as a symbol of flight, soaring, lightness, and greatness.

The feather of mythical birds such as the phoenix or firebird is a symbol of:

  • Good luck
  • revival
  • magical abilities
  • fortune

Birds feather tattoo design:

It turns out that the roots of this tattoo are ancient Indian. Although, perhaps, this is not surprising, given that the Indians had a special attitude towards birds and used their plumage in their clothing. However, in those days, the meaning of a feather tattoo was specific, and not as universal as it is today. In particular, the Indians believed that the feather carried undoubted rebirth and also had a mystical purpose.

What should you consider when creating a sketch?
When creating sketches of a tattoo with a bird feather, you must take into account the color of such a design. Of course, it can be black and white, but various colors are also possible. By the way, each shade has a special meaning and hidden meaning:

Red color speaks of constant victory over all life’s problems, difficulties, and even enemies;
Blue, and green tones indicate inner peace, a strong desire for stability in all areas of life;
Purple tones can emphasize the special character of the owner of such an image, his rigor and integrity.
Individual details are also important. Thus, a feather with a cut symbolizes the loss and mental anguish of the owner of the tattoo. If the pen's shaft is broken, this indicates broken dreams or is associated with the loss of a loved one (we are talking about separation)

And the last thing you should pay attention to when creating a sketch is what type of bird the feather belongs to:

Owl will protect from evil spirits, and therefore it is especially valued by fans of esoteric teachings;
The crane symbolizes immortality;
A phoenix feather, especially a flaming one, indicates rebirth, and renewal;
Eagle is a symbol of courage and courage, wisdom strength, dexterity, and survival. Perhaps this is why the Indians loved eagle feathers so much.

Meaning of feather tattoo: Ancient meanings:

Since time immemorial, the pen has symbolized the strength and skill of the warriors of that generation, who deserved recognition thanks to their actions on the battlefield. It was also often used by shamans to conduct their rituals. The birds' feathers symbolized immortality, and protection from evil spirits, and helped communicate with the dead and higher powers. Everyone is also aware of their use in dream catchers since they were directly associated with getting rid of negative thoughts and dreams.

In some nations, a feather tattoo had the meaning of power and was used instead of an attribute of power. The combination with Indian motifs looks very nice. It is among these people that similar tattoos for guys have gained great popularity. In Christianity, some priests gave preference to rings with feathers. This was a sign of mercy and faith. The ancient Greeks preferred the tattoo of a peacock feather (or other bird) because it symbolized attractiveness and belonging to the higher strata of the population. Feathers are directly associated with air because of their lightness, therefore in many cultures, they signify sublimity, tenderness, inspiration, love of freedom, and purity.

The eagle feather symbolizes physical strength and courage, as well as wisdom and fearlessness, characteristic of this bird. Indian warriors really hoped that through the drawing they would acquire these traits.

Owl feather tattoos on the collarbone and other parts of the body are often applied by fans of magical influence who believe in its protection from evil spirits. It can also mean intelligence or self-preservation instinct.
A pen tattoo is a sign of justice. For a long time in Egypt, the worship of the goddess of justice and order Maat, in whose image there was always an ostrich plumage, was popular.
The phoenix feather symbolizes the ability of this bird - rebirth. It is especially beautiful to do it in “fiery” colors on the back, wrist, or side. You can also find an execution option - a tattoo on the leg.
The feather of a firebird is a sign of attractiveness and mystery. In most cases, this is a woman's choice.
What does the tattoo of a simple pen mean - faith, spirituality, and some talent?
A swallow tattoo behind the ear or in another place was used as a talisman and a symbol of hope. A tattoo in the form of a feather can be tattooed on any part of the body. The most popular were the legs and back, especially in the area along the spine. Massive sketches made in monochromatic colors are suitable for men.
 For them, feather tattoos are preferred on the wrist in the direction of the elbow, which means determination and courage. Many people believe that this drawing saves you from defeats and illnesses.

The peacock feather represents luxury and wealth. Peacocks have the most magnificent plumage of all birds, these noble creatures are sometimes considered descendants of mythological phoenixes and hooting owls and are blessed with the ability to bring good luck and wealth. The meaning of a peacock feather tattoo changes if a new element is introduced there. For example, you get a contrast between two worlds - the real and the alien- in combination with the skull. These bird tattoos are often chosen by creative individuals. Peacock feather tattoos are most often applied in black, but lately, many girls have given preference to colored designs. This also affects the interpretation.

A purple feather tattoo means such character traits of the owner as integrity.
The green color gives stability. Blue symbolizes the same thing.
The red peacock tattoo has the meaning of victory over one's own enemies.
Orange lovers show their spiritual harmony in this way.


If you want to fill the pen, you can play with the sketch using the following elements and enter the required value:

A cut peacock feather symbolizes mental suffering associated with defeat or loss;
Falling personifies deep current;
The meaning of a feather tattoo with a broken core is a symbol of broken expectations or separation from a partner;
Tattoo of a feather and birds pointing upward - love of freedom and purposefulness.
Such a feather tattoo on the leg or other part of the body is often applied to themselves by women since this bird is distinguished by a beautiful color that one wants to pay attention to.

It contains the following meaning:


Some cultures saw Satan's eye in the tattoo - in a colored circle, although among the Greeks it was associated with the sun and stars. Other people loved this tattooed image on the shoulder or stomach, as a symbol of vigilance, foresight, and spiritual purity. The peacock tattoo has many meanings and locations: on the side, on the shoulder, on our neck, on the ear shell, and in all variants it looks original and impressive (photo sketch ov and inscriptions can be found below). Taty pen has many meanings, and almost every one of them is directed in a positive direction.

A blue feather tattoo is a symbol of good luck and dreams. The legend about the bluebird says that as long as there is at least one person on earth who can dream, believes in luck, and strives for happiness, the bluebird will help everyone.

People of creative professions can get a feather tattoo as a symbol of creative flight.

In many cultures, the feather is associated with dreams. It is light and weightless, so it flies freely wherever the wind blows. It was believed that a dream about a white feather foreshadows a new spiritual stage in life. The red feather symbolizes passion and love. Yellow or orange feathers meant extraordinary abilities.

Current styles and meanings:

Currently, all feather tattoos can be divided into two styles: traditional and modernized. The first one is more suitable for men, since it carries, if not strength and courage, then at least the owner’s desire for these qualities. They are usually done in dark monochrome colors. Upgraded feathering is usually performed by women. And it is the fair sex who often ask questions like:

“What does a feather tattoo do?

Usually, a thin and graceful feather is embroidered, symbolizing the bird whose feather is being embroidered. The most common "feathered" birds are the peacock, crane, and eagle.

The meaning of feather tattoos has been “dosed” since modern times:

  • Feelings of lightness, speed, flight, freedom, weightlessness, and other things mentally personified with birds;
  • Morality, purity;
  • The movement and existence of souls “beyond”;
  • Victory, rebirth, hope or dream;
  • If a cut feather or half of it is depicted, this is a symbol of pain or a deep mental wound;
  • Feather and birds drawn together are a sign that a person dreams of mental freedom.

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