Not only are tattoos common among individuals today, but let's also look at their historical history

Tattoos have been part of human culture for millennia, symbolizing identity, status, and personal expression, with designs evolving to reflect changing societal values and aesthetics

Not only are tattoos common among individuals today, but let's also look at their historical history

Tattoo Design:

When it comes to tattoos, the most intuitive impression seems to be that of people in movies and TV series who have dragons and tigers tattooed on their chests. Under the influence of film and television works, people have always seemed to have an unfriendly impression of people with tattoos for some time. In people's subconscious, they always like to equate tattoos with evil people. It’s no wonder, because villains and tattoos always appear in pairs in people’s sight, and people will inevitably give them a bad label.
However, with the development of the times, people's impression of tattoos has slowly begun to improve, and more and more young people have begun to come into contact with and like these strange textures. People are beginning to look at tattoos from a new perspective. Although there are still some people who always have deep stereotypes about tattoos, to a certain extent, tattoos are no longer the same as in the past and have become a symbol to distinguish between good and bad people. , but gradually became the pursuit of fashion and individuality. With the changes in people's tastes, the styles of tattoos have gradually become more diverse. They are no longer limited to a few specific patterns in the past. In some cases, the effects of some tattoos can even give people a stunning feeling.
There are also different opinions about the origin of tattoos. Tattoos have existed in the world for many years. It seems that they were not invented by someone in a certain region like the craftsmanship of a certain handicraft in our impression, and then spread through a series of processes. Spread to all corners of the world. Rather, at some point in time, people in different parts of the world developed their tribal tattoo techniques. Today, let us take a look at the story of tattoos in Chinese history.

1. Tattoos have occupied different positions in different periods and regions in Chinese history:

The development of tattoos in China has a history of thousands of years. In ancient times, tattoos were often the totem of a certain tribe, representing the symbol and beliefs of a tribe. People tattoo the tribal totems on their bodies to pray for the protection of the totems and bring them good luck. For example, the ancient Chinese totem "dragon".
In the novel "Water Margin", most of the heroes in Liangshan also have tattoos. Tattoos can even be regarded as standard equipment for heroes. Lu Zhishen, known as the "Flower Monk" in the world, has an embroidered tattoo on his body. Shi Jin, known as the "Nine-Patterned Dragon", also has nine dragons all over his body.
However, in Chinese history, the meaning of tattoos has not always been positive, such as "ink punishment". Ink punishment is to tattoo words on a person's face or head, which means that the person has been in prison. In ancient times, once someone had such words tattooed on their face, they were nailed to the pillar of shame. Moreover, tattoos in ancient times were extremely difficult to remove. After all, the production level of the ancients was completely incomparable with that of today. People who have been tattooed will suffer a lot in their lives. As long as someone sees them, they will always point fingers and alienate people who have been in prison. This is a blow to those who have been inked. Unprecedented, so this kind of people will always try their best to cover their tattoos.
Among my country's ethnic minorities, the custom of tattooing also has a very long history, and many patterns can be passed down to this day. The tattoos of ethnic minorities are mostly densely packed with strange symbols all over their bodies. What they mostly represent is the formal qualification to become a tribal member, marking the coming of age of tribal children. Different tribes often have different tattoo patterns. This is also an important symbol that distinguishes different tribes. Within the same tribe, their tattoos are also similar. Different tattoos within the tribe are often used to distinguish gender and social status. For example, the tattoos of men and women are different from each other, and the tattoos of ordinary members of the tribe and the leaders of the tribe are also different from each other. The performance is that the higher the status, the more complex the tattoos are.

2. Stories about tattoos in Chinese history:

Regarding tattoos, the story we often hear is about the mother-in-law’s tattoo. According to legend, the Jin army invaded the Song Dynasty. The Song Dynasty's army could not resist and retreated steadily. Even the emperor was captured by the Jin people. When people all over the world talk about the Jin people, they all hate them and hope that the army can fight back as soon as possible to regain the lost territory. At this time, Yue Fei also wanted to join the army with enthusiasm. Before departure, Yue Fei's mother called Yue Fei to her and asked him about his ambitions. Yue Fei replied: "Serve the country with loyalty and loyalty." Then, Yue Fei's mother will tattoo those four characters on Yue Fei's back, hoping that Yue Fei will always remember today's words and fight bravely.
In the pre-Qin period, there was also a story about tattoos. It is said that they are the three children of King Zhou, one is Wu Taibo, one is Zhong Yong, and the other is Ji Li. King Zhou is going to pass the throne to them. Ji Li was the most virtuous among the three, and Ji Li's son was born with auspiciousness, so King Zhou wanted to pass his position to him. So Wu Taibo and Zhong Yong ran to the barbarian land in the south. According to local customs, they cut their hair and got tattoos on their bodies to express that they both voluntarily gave up inheriting the throne. So the throne was passed to Ji Li.

3. The importance of tattoos in the history of our country:

Tattoos have important historical significance in the history of our country. Whether as a totem of the ancestors or as one of the criminal laws, it contains the unique historical value of that era. Along with the progress of people's times, it has evolved into various patterns and appeared in people's lives. Along with people's joys, sorrows and joys, it shows all aspects of itself.
In every era, people give tattoos different connotations. Today, we have slowly shed away the prejudice against tattoos and presented them to the world from a new perspective. Today, it is more like a colorful picture, some are magnificent and some are breathtakingly beautiful.


The development of tattoos is also the development of people's thoughts. When we regard it as a symbol of sin, it will appear in front of people in the form of punishment; when people look at it with good wishes, it will become a totem, protecting and blessing us; when we associate it with good When evil hooks him up, he will become violent and frightening. Today, when tattoos appear in front of us with personalized faces, they bring us more diverse expressions of the world. It will allow us to suddenly discover that the world appears in front of us differently, bringing us different surprises.

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