"The Mark of Timeless Stories"

An ancient-inspired tattoo, "The Mark of Timeless Stories," embodies enduring wisdom, uniting ancient symbols with a quill, scrolls, and mythic motifs, symbolizing the eternal essence of storytelling

"The Mark of Timeless Stories"
Tattoos are a very common thing in today's society. The public will not be surprised by these young people with dragon and tiger tattoos. Tattoos seem to have become a fashion trend, and with the increase in demand for tattoos Gradually, this situation is getting worse. In fact, in ancient times, some people had already gone out of their way to create art on their own skin.

Tattoos first originated as a form of punishment and became ink punishment, which means tattooing words on the face, which is intended to tell others that this person has committed a crime, which is a humiliation to human nature. Everyone is familiar with this from watching Water Margin, Lin Chong, Song Jiang, etc. They all had tattoos on their faces because of lawsuits. Song Jiang also wrote a counter-poem because of the tattoos: Unfortunately, he had tattoos on both cheeks, which would be worthy of being in Jiangzhou. If he had to avenge his grievances in his youth, the Xunyang River Estuary would be stained with blood! It was washed off with potion later. Although tattooing is humiliating, in Water Margin there are also the flower monk Lu Zhishen, the prodigal son Yan Qing, and the nine-patterned dragon Shi Jin. These three have vividly expressed the art of tattooing, especially the prodigal son. Yan Qing is dressed in floral embroidery, so beautiful!

Some people get tattoos to cover up blemishes and scars on their bodies. Some people get tattoos for personality. Of course, some people get tattoos purely for self-satisfaction. They feel that getting tattoos will make others afraid of them. At this point, there are many interesting things in the history of tattoos.
During Wu Zetian's period in the Tang Dynasty, Wu Zetian's personal maid Shangguan Wan'er was caught having an affair with Wu Zetian's male favorite Zhang Changzong. Wu Zetian was furious and cut Shangguan Wan'er's forehead with a knife. Zhang Changzong begged for mercy and was saved from death. Later, In order to cover up the scar, Shangguan Wan'er ingeniously tattooed a red plum blossom on the scar. Unexpectedly, the tattoo was quite beautiful, making Shangguan Wan'er even more charming. The ladies in the palace thought it was very beautiful, and some people even tattooed it on their foreheads. Hong followed suit secretly, so this kind of red plum makeup became popular in the palace.

"Youyang Zazu" records that there was a naughty boy named Zhang Qian in the capital Chang'an. He had a flamboyant personality and was an arrogant and crazy boy who was ignored by everyone.
This man was originally driving a carriage for the officials, and his status was not high. His wife and children looked down upon him. He tattooed the image of the King of Heaven on his back to tell his wife that he had connected with the divine world and had acquired magical powers. My wife really believed it. On the first and fifteenth day of every lunar month, he would prepare drinks and dishes at home, light incense, take off his shirt, and "let his wife and children support his back and worship." Let his wife and children kneel and worship facing his bare back. From time to time, I secretly turn my head and glance back, looking at my wife's pious look, and I feel so comfortable.

A young man named Wang Dainu spent five thousand taels of silver to tattoo a Jiangnan garden picture on his entire chest and abdomen. "Mountains, ponds, pavilions and courtyards, grass and trees flying away, everything is complete and as detailed as color." Landscapes, pavilions and terraces. The flowers, birds, plants and trees are lifelike. Walking on the street, the rate of turning heads is extremely high.
There is a man named Ge Qing in Jingzhou, Hubei Province, who is a huge fan of Bai Juyi. Because he admires Bai Juyi, he has more than 30 poems by Bai Juyi tattooed on his body, starting from his neck. Literati and poets often came to watch it because of its reputation. Some couldn't help but test Ge Qing to see if he could remember which poem or line was tattooed on his back. No matter where you clicked, Ge would blurt it out. The literati later gave his tattoo a poetic name, called "Bai Sheren's Poetry Picture".

It seems that the ancients were more fashionable and dared to do things like tattoos than we are. Do you like interesting historical stories and allusions? Follow Pinweitang to bring you different historical information

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