Mosquito Tattoo Club, the ultimate fear you can’t avoid

"Mosquito Tattoo Club: relentless, inescapable fear embodied. Their tiny, buzzing members etch indelible marks, an unavoidable reminder of nature's persistent menace, forever haunting our skin."

Mosquito Tattoo Club, the ultimate fear you can’t avoid

What's scarier than seeing a cockroach?

I think the answer should be: this cockroach flew into your face...

Mating cockroaches

Humans have a natural fear of all kinds of bugs.

In addition to giving a "poisonous and dirty" impression,

and a deep and painful aversion to the appearance of insects,

This is also the reason why they are avoided.

That feeling of instant goosebumps and scalp numbness,

Only those who have experienced it can understand it.

Including cockroaches, centipedes, millipedes, etc...

All kinds of soft bodies and arthropods would make a sweeping monk break into a cold sweat when he sees them.

Leave aside the little butterflies and little bees,

There is a group of insect enthusiasts who have all the little guys we usually sneer at.

Nuclear energy warning ahead: It is best not to enter this issue if you are a fan of entomophobia, otherwise we will not be held responsible.

Madonna once said:

I'm a survivor. I'm like a cockroach, you just can't get rid of me."

It’s so hard to destroy cockroaches!

- These insects can survive almost any situation.

I think these creepy little creatures represent the essence of survival.

As the saying goes, "You can't kill a weakling."

Research shows that cockroaches can live for a full two weeks without a head.

The bearer hopes to be as strong as them,

So a cockroach tattoo sounds like the perfect way to evolve your inner strength.

Does it look like the ones lying dead in your drawer?

Myriapods and Lamipods are some people’s nightmare.

Such as centipedes and centipedes,

Despite this insect's notorious reputation,

But its thin body and slender legs can be expressed so elegantly by the tattoo artist.

"A centipede insect is dead but not stiff."

Originally refers to centipedes or millipedes, many-legged insects that can remain standing even if their bodies are severed.

Later, it was used as a metaphor for a powerful aristocrat or a bureaucratic family.

Although it has declined, it can still maintain superficial prosperity and prosperity.

Foreigners must not understand these allusions.

Tattooed just because of peculiar physiological structure.

Centipedes are commonly known as "millipedes", which means tenacious vitality.

You can fight poison with poison, ward off evil spirits, and ensure peace.

As a ferocious predator,

Talent is the C-position of ant-bug tattoos.

Centipede is a very common arthropod.

It often lurks quietly in corners and under cabinets...

Until the moment you startle it, it jumps out and crawls onto your hand...

Even crawling up your legs...

This design adds insects to the human face,

It's a small thing, quite unique.

Have you ever noticed a centipede-shaped tattoo?

Perfect for filling in the gaps between each tattoo.

Centipede is a carnivore,

Also a predator of other insects and insects,

Its symbolism goes far beyond its simple existence.

For example, in some indigenous cultures and traditions of North America,

It can travel between the underground world and the real world,

Hence a powerful source of strength.

Some other similar tribal cultures,

Also regard the centipede as a symbol,

It has the ability to pass from the world of the living into the world of the dead.

I think that's why it's so popular.

Those who have leeches tattooed on their bodies,

Perhaps it means that it is particularly good at sucking...

I'm just telling you nonsense, don't take it seriously.

There are also wickedly realistic versions of bugs...

I got it tattooed just for fun.

Ultra-realistic insect series

Imagine you think your friend has something scary on his hand.

Actually it’s just a tattoo…

If you think this is not enough,

Learn about the big furry realistic spider.

Show insects in a colorful school form,

Can reduce some physical discomfort.

Okay, let's wash our eyes with some elegant bugs...

The possibilities for insect tattoos are endless,

Characteristics determine that it has many specific meanings.

Some people just like insects;

The bugs they tattoo are no different from the flowers and plants we usually tattoo.

Even though the appearance is considered by most people to be a disgusting creature,

When they are designed as tattoos, they look even better in person!

Mosquito Tattoo Club, the ultimate fear you can’t avoid

Come here for tattoo appointment design/tattoo learning/piercing/WeChat group chat +++

Defending the stars: teturen2015

Tattoos and piercings, all over the body, arms and legs

From small freshness to cerebral ax, we are good at it all.

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