"I gave the cat a tattoo, and it will definitely be red this time!"

I tattooed the cat with assurance, ensuring a distinct red color. This time, the hue is unequivocal. The feline now sports a permanent mark, a deliberate choice, bringing a bold and vivid element to its fur.

"I gave the cat a tattoo, and it will definitely be red this time!"

Every scrapper has a different relationship and story with his or her furry child.

But they all have the same feeling, that is, they hope that time passes slower and that their furry babies can stay with them longer.

As time passes by, everyone chooses to use different ways to commemorate every moment they spent with their furry children . For example, some scrappers will choose to tattoo themselves with the name of their cat, etc.

It’s 9102 years ago, and getting a tattoo is nothing new. However, have you ever heard of people getting tattoos? Have you ever heard of people giving tattoos to cats?

Speaking of cat tattoos, this Ukrainian girl named Elena Ivanickaya, in order to make her hairless cat Yasha look as charming and unique as herself, she even took her to get a tattoo!

Cool? I think not.

She chose the pattern of Egyptian gods as the pattern, and tattooed it on Yasha's sensitive and fragile chest. The way he was being pulled around the neck to get a tattoo made it.


After she posted the picture, netizens talked a lot and accused her:

UAnimals, Ukraine's largest animal protection organization, issued a statement saying: Although his owner thinks getting a tattoo is a fun thing, for the cat, it has suffered the most painful hours of his life .

She has her own Instagram page, eats fresh oysters, eats and drinks well every day, and lives a better life than you guys." Loser is too strong."

Not only that, but what’s even more annoying is that she actually responded to netizens to defend her behavior:

"The cat was cared for and no harm was done ."

"I consulted the veterinarian and the veterinarian had no opinion."

 He didn't feel any pain. "

I will not sterilize Yasha like some people do. This is the cruelest thing to do to her. "

Listen to this, O! M! G! His moral integrity was shattered to pieces. Tattooing cats like her to attract attention is no different from abusing cats, right?

Netizens couldn't help but petition, asking her to ban using Instagram and delete her account. The local police have also intervened in the investigation. If it is confirmed that Yasha was abused, criminal prosecution will be filed against the girl.

A tattoo artist named Aleksandr also chose to tattoo her hairless cat. She directly tattooed a large pattern on the back of her pet Demon:

The picture shows a prison tower, cigarettes and playing cards, and a sexy and sexy woman - these are typical representatives of Russian crime patterns.

(The picture shows Demon being tattooed)

At this moment, I couldn't help but wonder, they didn't understand, why did the veterinarian also express no opinion?

Doctors at pet hospitals are supposed to have benevolent hearts and aim to save the lives of animals. Why do they default to tattooing pets? Any doctor with a conscience and a sense of responsibility would never watch animals being brought to the operating table.

There are also those tattoo artists who can tattoo cats with their bare hands. Is your heart blackened by the ink in your hands?

Due to special congenital defects, hairless cats have only a thin layer of down covering their bodies and have strong oil secretion. They need more careful maintenance than ordinary cats to keep their skin clean and tidy.

This is their biggest feature and because of this, they are targeted by tattoo artists and are regarded as the best choice for pet tattoos.

  • Their skin is not protected by hair and is extremely sensitive and fragile. Any small injury will cause them pain and discomfort. Cats will be anesthetized before tattooing.
  •  No matter what anesthesia method is used, whether it is inhalation anesthesia, injection anesthesia, or local anesthesia, it is risky for cats!

What's more, the pigments and inks used in tattoos pierce the cat's skin and penetrate into the cat's skin, leaving the hairless cats with nothing but the worst risk of infection.

The bad habit of tattooing hairless cats has also appeared in China:

A video blogger openly broadcasts the entire process of hairless cat tattoos on social media, claiming to be "the best cat artist among tattoo artists, scientific breeding, and a cat lover." I wonder which person who truly loves cats would give his beloved cat such a rich and colorful tattoo?

For those of you who have chosen these hairless cat tattoos, why not think about it in their shoes:

When getting dressed, do you have to choose what you like? If someone forced you to wear something you didn't like, would you wear it?

So I just want to ask, have you ever asked a cat how he feels before getting a tattoo? Did he or she say “I can get a tattoo” to you personally, or did he or she say “I like it” to you personally?

Of course, they still couldn't say anything and were forced to accept their "new clothes".

No consent is cruelty!

In the movie "Red Cherry", the orphan Chu Chu is kidnapped by a German soldier who has a special hobby and loves to tattoo women, and her nightmare life begins.

He frantically "created" wantonly on Chu Chu's back. Chu Chu resisted desperately, but in the end, the needle penetrated Chu Chu's skin, carving the shameful fascist eagle emblem on her back.

The humiliating sufferings, like the tattoo, pierced deeply into Chu Chu's heart, causing both physical and psychological damage, and she ended her miserable life like this.

The scene of Chu Chu being persecuted is still vivid in my mind when I think about it. Human feelings are so strong, let alone animals. What you think is beautiful should never be imposed on other lives!

Whether it’s tattooing or dyeing your pets, or dressing them in all kinds of fun little clothes, it’s not in line with cats’ living habits, and it’s only natural that “you” think they look good.

Many, many people do this in invisible places.

Animals do not have all kinds of strange aesthetics like humans. They just want to live an ordinary life, and they cannot convey such a desire to us. So are we willing to spend one more minute and stand on the side of the world? Think about it from their perspective.

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