Tattoo of a scavenger vulture

A majestic scavenger vulture tattoo symbolizes resilience, adaptability, and the beauty of life's cycles. Its wings spread, embodying freedom, while a keen gaze reflects survival and introspection.

Tattoo of a scavenger vulture

Vulture (scientific name: Aegypius monachus):

It’s the Accipitridae family,

A large raptor of the genus Vulture,

Body length 108-120 cm.

The whole body is dark brown,

The head is exposed,

The quilt has only short dark brown down feathers,

The back of the neck is completely naked and featherless,

The base of the neck is ruffled by long black or light brown-white feather clusters.

Young birds are lighter in color than adults.

The head is more exposed,

Mainly inhabits rocky grasslands in low hills, alpine wastelands and forests,

valleys, streams and forest edges,

Often working alone,

Occasionally they form small groups,

Especially in places where food is plentiful.

Mainly feeds on the carcasses of large animals,

Often soaring over open and relatively exposed mountains and plains,

Peep at dead animals.

Occasionally, I fly at low altitude along the mountains,

Actively attack small and medium-sized mammals, amphibians, reptiles and birds,

Sometimes also attacks livestock.

Distributed in northwest Africa, southern Europe, Spain, southern France, Romania, and the Balkan Peninsula, eastward through Asia Minor, northern Arabia, Central Asia, Iran, Afghanistan, the western Himalayas, India, Mongolia, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and Altai, all the way to southern Siberia.

Vultures are large,

It is the largest raptor on the plateau .

After spreading its two wings, its wingspan is about 2 meters long.

0.6 meters wide (larger ones can reach more than 3 meters).

Adult vultures have dark brown down feathers from the forehead to the back pillow.

The back is longer and dense,

The plumage color is also lighter, with sparse .

The eyes are first covered with dark brown fibrous feathers,

The upper part of the nape is naked and featherless,

lead blue,

The base of the neck has ruffled feathers formed by long light brown to dark brown feather clusters.

Some wrinkled feathers are decorated with white.

The exposed head can be easily inserted into the abdominal cavity of the corpse;

The base of the vulture's neck has a ring of relatively long feathers.

It is like a human napkin,

It can prevent the feathers on the body from getting dirty when eating corpses.

The upper body is dark brown from the back to the upper tail cover.

The tail is slightly wedge-shaped, and dark brown, with black feather rachis and dark brown primary flight feathers.

It has a metallic luster, and the wing coverts and other flight feathers are dark brown.

Lower body dark brown,

The front chest is densely covered with dark brown hairy down feathers.

Each side has a bunch of fluffy spear-like feathers,

The abdomen is decorated with light vertical stripes.

The perianal and undertail coverts are light grayish brown or brownish white.

The covert feathers are dark brown to black brown.

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